Hiding in Plain Sight

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. I usually don't write anything until I have an inspiration of where I want to take the story and the inspiration for this chapter was hard to come by. I still think it came out well, but it's more of a filler chapter. Thank you all for understanding and continued support. The stories not perfect and I want to get better at writing it, so please leave suggestions and complaints, but please keep them constructive. I'll try and post again as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: Not my characters, my plot

Hiding in Plain Sight



I frowned

"Gotham? Really? Of all the places in the world we could go, you pick New Jersey? A city not only right next door to Olympus, but absolutely worthless for my training. You couldn't think of anything better?"

"Yes, I do mean it. Gotham is the perfect place. You may not believe me, but it is the only place that has everything you need. It may be one of the worst cities in all of America, but that will actually work to your advantage."

"How could that possibly be an advantage? Even with my power, Gotham was the one city on the entire east coast my mom completely forbid me from visiting. She knows that the longer you're there, the crazier you get."

"Gotham being how it is will actually be helpful. It will become your training. Gotham's crazies give you the perfect opportunity to train against a bunch of super villains all of which have no connection to Greek mythology. You are allowed to stay undercover and train while staying hidden in plain sight."

I didn't want to agree with her and I kicked my brain into overdrive trying to come up with absolutely anything I could use to point out the flaws in her plan, but they alluded me. The way she laid it out made more sense than I was willing to admit. I still didn't like the idea of spending more than a couple of hours in Gotham, but what must be done must be done. Having already sat in silent for several seconds failing to come up with anything in reply I finally gave in.

"Fine, we can go to Gotham, but let the record show that I still think it's a bad idea."

"Trust me. You won't be saying that once you meet my friend there."

"Friend? I thought you said that you live here on this island with your master, Princess Diana."

"Yeah, I do live here, but I get to go out into man's world more than the others. Diana and I have responsibilities off the island that come with being the champions and doing that job we made some friends. One of them lives in Gotham. I think you will like him."

"Well, I'll let you know once we meet him, but first we need to get there and I now have not one, but two armies of unstoppable female warriors on my tail."

"Two? You told me the Hunt was after you, but what other army?"

I sighed

"Your army. Once they discover you're gone they'll send a search party. It won't take them long to realize what happened. I have a feeling that if they find me they'll shoot first and ask questions later."

She looked up surprised. The ramifications of leaving the island with me had finally dawned on her.

"Oh great Hera, I didn't realize the ramifications. If I had known I would not have asked to go. Do you want me to stay? I can if it would make things easier for you."

"Cassie, no. I knew from the beginning what having you along would mean, but I was okay with it. I need someone right now. Anyone who I can talk to. Even if I barely know you, I would rather fight two armies with your help than fight one alone. That might sound insane, but if I had to live in seclusion any longer, I don't know how much I could have taken."

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