The Pit Awaits

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A/N: I will most likely never post 2 chapters in 2 days again, I was really motivated by how much people seemed to like the story idea. I have read a lot of Percy Jackson stories, but they are all the same. I want to combine a new story with the elements I like in other stories. I'll update as soon as I can and finally get into the meat of the story. Hopefully in the next week. Let me know what characters or interactions you want to see in this story, In and/or out of Tartarus.

Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. They are Rick Riordan's. The plot is mine though.

The Pit Awaits


The van back to Camp Half Blood must have been the most unpleasant experience of my life. I had been through many bad bus rides with bullies like Nancy, but this was a whole new level of pain. When I got back to the van everyone had already filed in and the only spot left was the one I had been sitting in on the way to Olympus. Normally I wouldn't complain about it, but I was sitting next to Annabeth. It was hard enough that I had to see her so soon after she broke up with me, but to sit in the car next to her was a torture worse than anything in the Fields of Punishment. To make matters even worse the streets were packed and we were barely moving an inch. All I wanted to do was sit there and cry, but I knew I couldn't do that with my friends here. They knew this may be the last couple of days they would ever see me so they would refuse to leave me alone to my thoughts. I knew they just wanted the best for me, but I was too far out of it to notice or care. It's devastating to know that everything I've done to make it to this point will be taken away, worse, by my own choosing. It's something I have to do, and there is no way I could ever say no, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I lose a life with Annabeth, a family I could raise in New Rome, a dad that is finally starting to embrace me, my mother, and most importantly my little sister. She'll know about me, but there's a good chance she'll never remember my love for her. I'll be a distant past only remembered through my mothers stories. I wish there was any other way, but just looking at the facts it's obvious there will be no other possibility. Tartarus and the evil within is at the weakest it has ever been. The Titans and Giants have barely had any time to reform, so they will be vulnerable, and Olympus is as strong as it may ever be. I know if we wait there will just be more war and death when the cycle repeats itself. It's already repeated itself once, why wouldn't it again and again, until the gods and western civilization eventually fall. No Percy! Snap out of it, you will end it all. It'll be a small sacrifice to make everyone else happier. Yes! I must do this, and I must succeed.

"We made it. Everyone lets get back so we can let the other campers know what we were rewarded!" Jason yelled out eagerly before seeing me and looking down with a grim expression. "Sorry Percy, I didn't mean it like that."

"It's fine Jason. Enjoy yourselves. I hope everything can just be normal until I have to leave. Don't change for me. I can't ask you to be sad after being made a god. Have fun and I'll meet up with you all later."

Instead of following them all down to camp I ran through the woods down to the beach. It's the place I go to whenever I'm troubled or need to calm down. My nerves seem to vanish here when I smell the fresh sea salt and hear the tide crashing against the surf and pulling itself back out to sea. It's so beautiful I can't help but relax. I can't get one thing out of my head though. What Apollo told me right before he left. I know he is the god of prophecy, but can he really know whether I will survive? He said he would see me again, but prophecies and visions almost always have double meanings. There isn't even a prophecy for this quest. I don't know though, what he said sounded good, but will I still be the same. I'm already noticeably more different since I went into Tartarus so whos to say if I do manage to survive I won't be a monster. Is that what Apollo meant? I hope not.

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