A Twist of Fate

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A/N: I think you guys are gonna like this one

A Twist of Fate


(Gotham Academy)

(Next Morning)

'Welcome, students and teachers, back to school for the start of a brand new year here at Gotham Academy. We are beyond excited to have you all back and we look forward to another successful year'

Yeah, I bet. A successful school year for a demigod? Unthinkable. I'm more likely to burn down the school than get on the honor roll. My knack to destroy schools is definitely something I'm going to have to figure out eventually, because it looks like I'm here for the long haul now. In most situations I would just ignore school and continue training, but like Cassie said, If I don't go to school it's a dead giveaway I have something to hide. Which I do of course. I have everything to hide, so I might as well do it in plain sight.

Which leaves me here, walking with Cassie across the Gotham Academy courtyard headed to our first class. That would've been bad enough, going back to school, but it was even worse. This stupid private school had a school uniform, with a tie. It was awful. The fabric was restricting and itched like crazy. I felt stiffer than cardboard. If this is going to be my life for the whole year, I don't think I have a chance.

"Are you ready for class Percy?"

"Uh... how about no. I'd rather be anywhere else, but I don't have a choice, do I?"

"No. You don't, we need you to blend in."

"Yeah, that's probably right. I still hate school though."

"Whatever Percy, let's get to class before we are both late."

I don't know how I got enrolled in this school on such late notice, but I do know that Cassie had something to do with it, and it actually worked out pretty well. Both Cassie and I were 18 years old, which would make it easy for us to pretend to be seniors in High School. When I say pretend to be 18 I mean that I look and feel like I'm 18, but in Earth years I'm supposed to be 20. When I was at Nyx's palace for two days it was actually two years. This means that Thalia is now 24 and Annabeth is 20 with her having been broken up with me for 3 years. If I do end up ever see them again it will definitely be a hard thing to get used to, but that's a problem for another day. For now I need to worry about the real problem at hand. Math class.

Being a 'senior' now, I'm in a pretty high level math, Pre-Calc. I already had enough trouble with easier subjects due to my demigod dyslexia, so I was not looking forward to this, at all.

We walked into class right as the bell rang and we looked for our seats. Unfortunately for us, more me, the only two seats left were across the room for each other forcing us to split up and headed to opposite sides of the room.

It was the longest hour of my life.

It may have been syllabus day, but instead of stopping with that for the day like any normal, kind human being would, she kept going. With like 15 minutes left in class she was able to squeeze in a whole lecture, keep us late to finish it, and assign more homework than she should have been legally allowed to give.

The whole experience was a cruel and unusual punishment. And on top of it all, I could barely handle my ADHD. I couldn't stop fidgeting and my focus was constantly drifting.

Eventually, after what felt like years, she finally let us out and I met back up with Cassie. Unfortunately, we didn't have another class together until lunch, but the good news was that she said her friend had the same lunch period so we could meet up and talk about our arrangements for the stay in Gotham. This put a smile on my face, because every time I ask Cassie who her friend is she just says one of two things every time. Either 'it's a surprise' or 'it's not my place to say'. Now I get to finally meet this guy.

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