In Memoriam

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A/N: Hello Readers! The long awaited next chapter. I'm sorry about leaving you on such a cliffhanger last time, but I hope its worth it. Love you all for sticking with the story though. Also one last thing: Get Percy Jackson a Disney animated series Please I beg you Uncle Rick!

Disclaimer: Not my characters

In Memoriam


You ever just feel really tired, but know that it's going to be impossible to actually get any sleep?

That's how I felt as I lay down on the cold concrete of the cell and tried to sleep my life away. I really should have been embarrassed, but I was way past the point of caring.

I was really going to die tomorrow...

It was a hard pill to swallow being on death row, and I didn't have any water to wash it down so it was eternally stuck in my throat. I was on the verge of throwing up but I couldn't because I hadn't had food in several days now. It was horrible, but losing everything and being stripped down to the very core in my last hours I finally had enough time to reflect and I came to a realization.

I didn't regret a single thing. Nothing at all. If I had a do over in my life I would do it all again and I would do it without a second thought. I bet if I told anyone my life story and where I ended up, they would have serious doubts, but they would be wrong. I've made so many great friends and have so many incredible memories that I couldn't possibly bear to lose them. I could suffer a thousand deaths before I would willingly give it all up.

So I stood strong and prepared to accept my execution ,but this time with my mind at ease knowing that I lived a life I can be proud of.

With my mind now cleared and relaxed, I was able to conquer the concrete floor and finally doze off.

I knew that it must truly be the end of the road because I couldn't even get a dream. Don't get me wrong, I hate demigod dreams and everything about them, but maybe somewhere deep down, I was hoping for a sign that everything could end up okay.

I don't know how long I was out, but it must have been several hours because I had that groggy feeling you get when you planned on taking a short nap before homework and instead you wake up three hours later to a yelling Step Dad whose one step away from swinging at you. No? Just me? I guess that last part might have been a little too specific but the point still stands. I was groggy and still half-asleep.

Then I heard it and my eyes shot open like a bullet. The clinking of keys

"It's finally time, huh" I muttered as I repositioned myself on the floor to greet Ares before he pulled me off to my final resting place.

The keys and the clanking persisted and slowly got louder as my fate at the hands of Zeus approached, until it turned the corner and fittingly, my life turned on its head.

"A- Ath- Athena?" I stumbled over my words, but I was finally able to get them out.

"Hello Perseus, It's a pleasure to see you again."

I had always thought Athena was a friend, or at least an ally, but the way she had treated me during my 'trial' and her ruling to kill me had destroyed all of my trust in her that turned out to be misplaced in her in the first place. She had just been a pawn of Zeus and therefore a pawn of Nyx as well. And let me tell you. I was not happy to see her and I made a point in my tone to make it overwhelmingly clear.

"Why are you here? I thought Ares was my prison guard dog. At least when he tries to kill me he'll come at me from the front."

Athena sighed but her face remained solid as a stone refusing to betray her feelings over my harsh words.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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