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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm happy to be back with you all. I'm getting a little better at not taking 6 months to write a chapter, but stuff happens. I'll try my best to have a new one out soon because I hate having to leave you guys on cliffhangers for too long without an update. Also last thing, thank you all for the support on this story so far, I really do try my best to give you all something you can really enjoy and when I hear that you did it really makes my day.

Disclaimer: my plot, his characters



I woke up with a throbbing in my head that pounded on the back of my skull like a jackhammer taken to the streets of New York.

Had it all been a sick dream? Was I dead? Was she still dead? Could I finally let go of all the pain and accept it?

No, finally being free of the worlds burdens would be too easy, therefore making it inevitably impossible. From all my experience and everything I've been told, when you die you don't feel pain anymore, and I'll have you know, I was most definitely feeling the pain. My joints were on fire, my skin was scratched and bruised all over, and I was pretty sure my headache was because I probably had a broken nose. I couldn't breathe through it and as a result of the pain my face had gone numb.

I tried to stand up to figure out what happened while I was out that would leave me in this battered condition, but a clatter of chains that must have outweighed me by a considerable margin sent my tired body crashing back down to the floor. I didn't want to get up off the cold hard floor, but I still had a little dignity left, so with a considerable effort I rose up and sat down on the chair.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten. In all the pain crushing its way through both mind and body. I'd left out where I was. I wasn't exactly sure where that was, but I know one thing for sure. It only took one glance to see that it definitely wasn't good.

I was locked in a prison cell, and from the looks of it there would be no chance to escape.

It looked at first glance like any old prison you would see in the movies, but it was obvious that I was considered either a dangerous or an important prisoner, because it looked like the jailer had gone out of their way to make sure I stayed locked up. I would have felt honored at their respect, but instead I was left hopeless.

Hopeless because the closer I looked at the details, the more cautious that jailer became. The cell was made entirely of Celestial Bronze from floor to ceiling and that meant there was a lot of it. More than I had ever seen in my entire life. The walls were thickly packed with the stuff and the vertical rods that constituted the entrance were several inches thick in diameter. Celestial bronze also constituted the chains that bound my hands and feet.

This was clearly a place meant for the imprisonment of the most powerful entities in the world.

I reached down to my pocket to see if I could pick the chains with Riptide, but then I finally realized why the cell had been so cold when I'd first crashed to the floor.

I'd been stripped down to my underwear before being tossed in here. They didn't even have the dignity to redress me while I was knocked out so I felt like Tarzan.

"Stupid kid. You really thought we would let you keep your weapons and clothes? We've underestimated you enough Percy Jackson. Do not think we will make that mistake again?"

I jumped back in shock but the chains held me in place and jolted me back to the middle of the cell.

Standing in front of me with a steely gaze that could probably cut through solid steel was Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and in a previous lifetime someone who thought so highly of me that she wanted me to join her hunt. Now it was all gone to the past.

Percy Jackson: Sacrifice of the LegendWhere stories live. Discover now