Training Day

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A/N: Please tell me what name you want Percy to have when he meets people he knew before. I'll use all of your input as inspiration for the name. This chapter is more of a filler, so therefore smaller, but it still has some important stuff to set up the next part of the story. Hope you enjoy and thanks for the help.

Disclaimer: Rick's people but my plot



So that's what I decided to do. To train and train some more until I was ready for anything.

It all began after my meeting with Apollo. Once he left, I assessed my situation and I decided that Yellowstone actually did make a perfect spot to train. It was far enough removed from every place of importance in the demigod world that no one would sense me and it was secluded enough that the authorities in the main world wouldn't care either, but on the other hand it was also big enough to give me the proper challenges and space I needed.

Then once I decided I would stay here, I needed to assess the rest of the situation. That started with my own body. My sprained ankle was basically healed, but I could still tell it wasn't at 100%. My shoulder was similar. It was still in pain every time I moved it from the fights with the Titans, but it was also still just a matter of time before it was back to normal. I also had scratches everywhere, including a rather lengthy scar on my cheek, but they were all minor flesh wounds. I would have a lot of scars, but over time most of them would fade. Overall, my body wasn't in terrible shape, it was my mind that had taken the brunt of the tole. The nightmares of Tartarus will haunt me for the rest of my life, but that too wasn't my biggest concern. The thought of what's to come in my life is enough to put me on the brink of despair. I've already had a more terrible life than anyone I know, but from all indications it will get a whole lot worse before it gets any better.

After assessing my bodily situation, and taking a count of my injuries, I took the chance to assess my equipment. I took off Hades' armour and I got a chance to finally discover all of it's secrets. I thought I knew them all from before, but now that I was on the surface I noticed two new pocket on the inside. When I opened the first one American money poured out of it. Then I opened the next one, and out poured golden drachmas. I guess the pockets weren't there in Tartarus because I had no need for money, but now that I do thank the gods I got this armour. The god of riches was really looking after me on this one. Once I was done with looking through it, I put it back on and shifted it from armour to jet black civilian clothing before moving on.

After putting my armour back on, I took out my weapons. The first one I analyzed was my newest one, the bow. It was beautiful in my hands. A solid, gold colored, compound bow that I could already tell was perfectly adjusted to my height and weight without a second thought. It was beautiful, but I knew I would have to change it. The gold would stand out like a sore thumb, and it would expose Apollo as my ally. To remedy that problem, I manipulated its color. I dulled the gold until it was a dark coppery color. I also knew I couldn't just walk around all day with a bow in my hands, so I transformed it like my armour into a gold chain. Then I put it around my neck. The next weapon I took out was Riptide. My baby was as beautiful as ever, but I knew I wouldn't be able to use it in combat for a while. If anyone I came upon recognized the weapon, they would immediately recognize me in turn. Not a very good idea if I want to remain anonymous, so I put it back in my pocket. Finally, I took out my last weapon. Kronos' Scythe. Ever since I'd won the fight against him, I hadn't really known what to do with it so I'd transformed it into a wristband. The wristband itself was actually pretty cool. It was half silver and half gold. All I had to do was touch it and think about deploying it and Backbiter came bursting out ready for a fight. It's power was unlike anything I had ever wielded before and that scared me. Then, I transformed it into its original Scythe form and the thing went up into a whole new stratosphere of power. In fear of the power, I quickly transformed it back into a wristband and put it back on. I immediately decided I wouldn't use it at all up here in the real world, but I had a sinking suspicion that I would be needing it eventually, so I decided to keep wearing it for now.

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