Past Mistakes

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A/N: Hello everyone that stuck around during my little break. I knew this is where I wanted to go with the story I just didn't know how to get there so it took a little longer. The good news is that I have inspiration for where to go next so it shouldn't be as long of a wait. Now that being said, I have a plan that I think you will all really enjoy, I just need to have time to develop it thoroughly to make it as enjoyable as possible for all of you. So please have a little faith in me.

Disclaimer: Not my people, but my plot

Past Mistakes


(1 Hour Later)

(Olympic Council)

I've seen my Father angry before, but nothing like this. He looked like a fuse about to blow and if he did, I don't think anyone would blame him.

Standing in front of our council were the three people that were the immediate cause of that anger. His brothers Poseidon and Hades, along with the young Annabeth.

Today's news that Percy was alive and coming home had spread through Olympus like wildfire, leading to one of the craziest days I've ever seen in all my time here. Minor gods and goddesses were parading through the streets in preparation to welcome back the lost hero after they all thought he died in Tartarus. They might have been genuinely excited for his return, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they were more excited for the celebration and the rich nectar and ambrosia that came with it.

There may have been celebration and anticipation outside the main hall, but inside was a different story. It was chaos. The entirety of the council was yelling at the 3 standing in the middle with Zeus leading the charge. They may have all joined in on the beratement for different reasons, but they all agreed on one thing. Percy needed to be found and brought forth. Especially now after attacking not just Annabeth, but his own father. Before, it had been about bringing a lost hero home, but in light of recent events, it's now about finding out the truth and bringing him back to face the council's justice.

The arguing and yelling continued and as expected it brought us no progress. It continued for too long and it became so unbearable that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. Just as I was on the edge of my seat about to explode and rain arrows into the room there was a loud piercing whistle that took the air out of the room and another loud singular yell to capitalize over the second of quiet.

"Everyone just Shut Up!"

It was Athena and she took the room by storm

"We need to take a step back and look at this logically, so everyone stop yelling at each other. The longer we argue about things that have already happened, the further Percy runs and the colder the trail gets."

Everyone looked upset with the interruption, but they knew she was right so they didn't say anything. They just sat in stunned silence until Zeus was able to shakily recompose himself and share his agreement.

"Of course daughter, you are right as always."

He took his eyes off her and refixed his gaze on the three in the middle

"We'll deal with your mistakes later, but we have bigger fish to fry."

With a smug look of satisfaction over the dig he just took at Poseidon, Zeus turned to me and got right to the point.

"No point in waiting around... Artemis, go back to the spot we found Posiedon and Annabeth right now and pick up Percy's trail. I will send Hermes to fetch your lieutenant and your inner circle and they will meet you there shortly. Use your team as you wish but do not tell them who you seek or why you seek him until he is caught and make sure you capture him at all costs. Do not fail me again."

Percy Jackson: Sacrifice of the LegendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora