Then Lunch Came

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    Hours have past and it was finally time for lunch.I headed up to school rooftop with my lunch box. No one ever goes there so I get to eat alone. I'm guessing it started when I showed up because there's flowers up there, since they left, I take care of them now. I opened the door to see a group of girls who looked way too flashy and wore too much makeup, these are also the type of people I hate. They look like your average bully group that is looking for a new target. You can find them anywhere in the world, any city, any state. I should leave but hey, I should at least hear what they're gonna say.

" Hey Anna, I heard that Chikasi stood up for you. Is that true?" one of the flashy girls, I think her name was Kylie or something, said.

" Yeah so, it's not like I asked him to. Also if you guys have crushes on him then confess and get it over with. It's that simple." I replied. The girls gave me dirty looks and then the leader of the group, Alexis Macka walked up and picked me up by the collar or at least tried to.

" Listen here Anna, Chisaki is mine alright. Don't get too close or else, and we don't want that to happen right." Alexis said." Also you would never have a chance, I mean who would want you? You look like a guy, you're also a foreigner, why don't you go back to your hillbilly town in the states"

" Alrighty. You should let go of me before a teacher shows up. It could get you in lots of trouble. So much that you wouldn't be able to see Landon again, unless you stalk him. And we don't want that do we?" I reply showing an evil grin, disregarding everything she said. She dropped me and gave me a dirty look and left with her group. When I hear the doors close, I sit down and open my lunch box " Geez this is why I hate those types of people. Do they ever consider sexuality  anymore." I say as I eat my food. But those girls do make a point, why would he do that for me, a foreigner.
      Plus I bet he doesn't even consider me as a friend, only as an acquaintance i bet. Also if I'm correct he's been friends with Alexis Macka since elementary school so their chances are high, but that personality might hurt her. Wait why am I even thinking about this it's so stupid. Love is just a word used by humans to butter people up for the use of sexual reproduction. I gave up on feelings when I left America, when I left that day I left the people I loved alone. They just acted like it was normal without me there, I guess that's how humans are. They use you until you're done, then they let you go. So why, why am I thinking about this. I know one thing though, there is always a war and it will never stop...

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