Setbacks and Heartbreak

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Sup y'all... Sorry i have yet to published the new book but I have my reasons.
       One of them is that the writer wants to wait until it is done so then she can make a description.
       Second, a week ago, someone who I loved and hoped they loved me back left. I was dating this girl and I thought everything was fine, but I was wrong. I haven't been doing alright since then. Honestly I wish i could take back all the stuff I gave her. The shirt, the locket, the chocker. 

I wish I never took that voice acting job she gave me either. But I can't take it back now. I know she still follows me for some reason. Honestly it even hurts to be near her or whenever she tries to talk to me like nothing happened. She believes I'll get over it like it's nothing but thats not how emotions work...
My final reason is because exams are soon and tests are stacking up. Also I'm trying to learn a new song to play for my friends. The people who actually care about me and would never try to hurt me. The song is called You Are Loved by Set It Off. Honestly i first wanted to learn a break up song to spite my ex, but I decided against it because I'm already in a bad place and it would only bring my feelings down. I'll leave a link to the song up above. 

Well I hope you all have a wonderful morning, evening and night! Take care y'all

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