P.E., My favorite time of day. Anna's Pov

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 Sorry this chapter was late but here is a drawing/painting of Anna. I was busy last weekend but I did this for you!~

I make a dash as soon as I'm out of her sight. Just sitting next to her just made my heart pound. I rush down the stairs not wanting to be late. Even if I hate this damn school I don't want to be late or something. I enter the gym locker room, for the second time today. Rushing to my locker to grab my gym clothes. The girls all eye me with a glare, I'm pretty sure they're all homophobic. I walk to the bathrooms, keeping my eyes to the ground. I enter the bathroom stall. Not wanting anyone to see my ears, or even my tail. I quickly change from my regular school clothes, changing into my gym pants a gym shirt, stuffing my tail into my pants and my ears into the beanie. I hear knocking on the stoll door. A quiet knock but easy to here.

"Anyone in there?" A hear a cute little voice say. I open the door, seeing a girl, almost my size there. She looks up at me, seeing who I am. She moves out of the way. "Sorry." she says.

"No problem, your name?" I ask her. Not completely bothered."Kiarra." I look at her and smile. "You'll learn my name eventually. See ya, Kiarra." I walk out of the bathroom, heading outside onto the grass field. Seeing that I am the first out I lie down on the grass. Ignoring everything around me, completely in tune with my surroundings. A slight tug on my beanie gets me out of my daze. I look up to see the girl known as Kiarra. I wave to her as she sits down next to me in silence. It was peaceful , but I never let my guard down. "So, what is your name?" the girl asks. "Anna, but most of the people here call me stuff like foreigner or d*ke." I reply as a sharp pain drives through my stomach. Kiarra looks at me in shock. I guess that gave me some amount of relief, even if it was a little. I stared towards the field, a small breeze catching our hair and letting the leafs from the trees fall down. More and more kids came out of the locker room and stood on our dots, waiting for the teacher it arrive. As the teacher runs over, starting morning roll call Vanessa catches my eye. I catch myself staring, I look away before she could notice. She looks my way, creating small butterflies in my stomach that just wouldn't go away. The teacher finally caught everyone's attention . "Today you will be doing a running test." the teacher says. "Now, first up is Anna Fleetwood and Alexis Macka. An evil smirk ran across Alexis's face while a normal grin ran across mine. I wasn't gonna nerf my speed for some punk b*@!%. We head to the track field, getting into position to run like hell.The teacher says go then everything blanks, adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. I reach the finish line in a matter of seconds. As I get closer and closer to the teacher my mind goes fuzzy. I cross it and head to the bleachers. Not even caring about the trail of dust behind me. I cough and cough more. Looking at my hand I see blood but think nothing of it. Everything in around my became blurry, I put my hand over my eyes, hoping to take a quick name as everything goes black. "Anna. Annaaa." I hear a voice call out, everything around me was lit on fire. I see a boy, older than me screaming my name. I move towards it, running as a wooden beam hits my body. I turn into a wolf and slip out, my back aching more than ever. I run out, only to see my parents and my older brother out of the house. But they could not see me. I turn into a human and they look in shock. "How are you alive!" my mother says in anger. My dad looks even more pissed at me. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE IN THAT FIRE" my mother repeats. She looked at me with more and more hatred as she walks closer. She grabs my hair and lift me up. The bruises on my body start to show. "Go back, in the house, and die." My mother says, tears started running down my cheek. My brother trying to stop my mom as she starts pounding away on my body. A punch to a gut, making me spit out blood and leaving me without any breath. She drops me as I hear sirens in the distance. The last this I remember is the cops taking her away before I black out.

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