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My most favorite day of the year, the day I get to through off this beanie and blend into the crowd. The day where me and others like my kind can roam the earth freely without being called a freak, a monster. I usually don't even dress up for this day, I just throw on a black plaid skirt, a ripped up shirt and leave, but this year I am... Free...

I can actually go out and dress up like I used to when I was little. I've had ideas for my costume since I have moved here. I still have my spending funds so I can go a bit crazy. This year I decided to go as Veronica Sawyer, from Heathers : The Musical. Don't get me wrong, I love the movie but I enjoy the musical way more. It makes JD seem like less of an a$$ and the music is amazing! Don't even get me started when it comes to Kurt and Ram cause that could take HOURS! THEY ARE THE DEAD GAY SONS!!!

The day of Halloween was here and everyone was bubbling with excitement. We all wait for this day, especially the little ones. They do love their candy. I wake up without a nightmare for once, and I am, surprisingly, in a good mood. I brush up my messy bed head and throw on the a gray skirt letting my tail sway. I throw on the shirt and blue jacket, rolling up the sleeves to show off the polka dotted white and blue inside. I add the little pendent thing around the collar of my white shirt. And the biggest thing. I take off my beanie and leave it inside my little bed. I was, nervous and jittery. I only do this once a year and it is driving me crazy. I grab my bag and take another look at my outfit, seeing if everything was okay. I double check before taking my leave and go into the outside world. I see some people giving me looks, but not of disgust. They were of wonder, but then again they were probably trying to figure out what I was. I reach the school gates and take a shaky breath and I prepare for what may or may not come. I gather my courage and take a few steps inside of the building. I check my locker and for once, there were no tacks in my locker, only notes. I push them aside and shut my locker. I wanted to see the others costumes. They may be jerks but maybe I can knock them down a peg if they didn't put any effort. I step into the class and there was only a few people there. I look at them and one made my heart went boom. (HAMILTON PUNS) My mate, Vanessa, she looked.. ADORABLE! She was dress up like a dear. Her hair, instead of it being straight, it was wavy. She had make up on her face, it only added to it's cuteness. My face flushed red as I make my way to my desk. I continue to study her features. It drives me wild. I take my focus off her to look around (look around) and see the other costumes. Landen stood in the front of the class with his buddies. He was pretty much covered in face paint and a sort of mask. I'm guessing he was going for a crazy monster. It worked well. I see Alexis walk into the room and she was just wearing regular clothes. WHAT THE HELL?! Thought race through my mind until I see a little yellow note on her binder. DRESS CODED, it says in bold letters. Ha, I guess she tried to wear a slutty costume to school. I guess that didn't work out for her. I snicker at that. I see Vanessa give me some questioning looks but I smile. My tail sways and my ears twitch. They weren't used to the air in the school. It was cold, I wasn't expecting that to be honest, but then again I'm always wearing that beanie.A smile spread across my face. This is the one day that I can be.. Happy.. And I'm not gonna let anyone mess with that!

Hours pass and it was nearing the end of the day, I couldn't wait till I could get to my job or maybe. I chuckle at the thought. Maybe sneak into a party. It is a funny thought, but I couldn't. There has been no talk about halloween parties expect Boss Bitch's party. It's apparently 'The Biggest Party Of The Year'. What is she, Jake from Be More Chill?! I might as well crash a party. If all else fails then Michael In The Bathroom it is! A note on the side of my desk catches my attention. It's not like the others, it's nicely folded up. I see Vanessa staring at me and I return it with a blush. I open the note to see some neat handwriting.

Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to come to Alexis's Halloween party with me?

~~~ Vanessa

My face lit up like a christmas tree. I wrought down yes in the neatest handwriting that I could do and hand it make to her. She un holds the paper and smiles brightly at me and I smile back. This should be fun!

Hours passed and the school day was finally over. I couldn't wait, I didn't want to. I was actually going to a party with the one I am meant to be with. And know Halloween parties, it's most likely some 'things' will happen. I chuckle from the idea. I make my dash out the gates of the school with a pep in my step and I rush to my job. For once, on this amazing day, I left school happy. No one bothered me, no one pestered me, and no one even tried to hurt me. The words they said meant nothing at all, the only thing that mattered to me was my job and the party. I ran through town until I reached my job. The door swings open and I walk in and grab the things I need to do my job. SInce it is Halloween, we get to wear our costumes as long as we keep a theme going. This year we all decided on Heathers, I kinda pushed it so then I wouldn't have to buy another outfit. The other 3 waitresses that worked here were dressed up as the three Heathers, they wanted that role I guess so I was given Veronica. There was one other waitress that was dressed up as Martha Dunnstock so it was fun. The biggest thing though was that they guys were dressed up as Ram and Kurt. So I know when I walk back there I have to sing Blue or Dead Gay Son. It's not apart of the rules but I promise that for myself.

I make my rounds and picked up orders until it was time for the party. I place my things back where they were once before and wave goodbye to the boys in the kitchen. I open the door to the cafe and take my leave. My tail was moving lightly as I ran to where me and Vanessa were going to meet up as was trying to calm down my excitement. I reached the place of meeting to see Vanessa already there.

"Hey! Did I make you wait long?" I question kinda worried about how long she's been here.

"Not at all, I just got here anyways." She says, following it with a chuckle. It makes me smile that she waited for me. "Well, shall we." She motions towards the house, you can hear the music blaring from here. I nod and let her lead the way. She opens up the door to reveal nearly 90% of the student body dancing, drinking and pretty much sucking each others faces off. I cover my nose and the potent smell of beer and mistakes enter my nostrils. I look back at Vanessa and we walk into the party, our hands almost touching. The loud music i all I can hear at this point. I take a deep breath and look back at Vanessa.

"Let's go have some fun." I say to her loud enough that she could hear. She nods and takes my hand, causing a light pink blush to dance across my cheeks. She drags me over to the kitchen, I could finally hear once more. I sigh in relief as Vanessa opens the fridge and hands me a water bottle. "Thanks" I say with a smirk.

"No problem." She replies and goes ahead and sits on the counter. I take the spot next to her even though the view was nice from where I was before. I stare into her eyes, mesmerized by her beauty and nothing else mattered...

I know this seemed a bit rushed but I wanted to make this for you guys! I'm sorry if it seems kinda un finished but, some things happened today. I will not allow it to bring you all down so I wish you all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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