This might be the end, but a beginning for something new

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Hey y'all, I know it's been a while but I got nothing else for this book to offer but, I have two new ideas for stories.
One of them my friend made and she wants some feed back so that will be greatly appreciated. it is called Elements and Their Keys. Trust me it will be uploaded soon.

As for the other story I made all thanks to my english assignment. For it is about two spies, one good and one bad. Ava Grey, a bright and peppy girl who often wears bright clothing. She loves electronics and is one step away from being your average basic bitch. She is the good spy. Then there is Aurora Volkov. She loves getting into trouble and is your average bad girl spy. What happens when these two meet and find love at first sight but then quickly realize that they must fight. It is called Good Gals Don't Always Win.

Well I hope you guys had fun on this adventure with me. I had so much fun writing this but sometimes they have to end. Remember to comment and vote. I would also enjoy some writing tips or even if you showed this to a friend.

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