To the job, and the mate

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By the time I reach the place I'm a minute late for my shift. I walk in the door of the cafe, waving to the regular people I meet here. I take a sniff of the air, smells better than normal. Actually, I take another gap of air,it smells amazing, it smells like freshly made treats, filled with chocolate and vanilla. "Mate" My wolf said to me. Could it really be them? I think to myself as I walk around the place, asking people for help and giving them orders. That was going well until someone new walked in the door, the smell only grew stronger the closer i am to them. A group, I see. Out of the group of both guys and girls, one sticks out to me. A girl, my heart was pounding as I studied her looks. She had long brown hair, almost to her waist. She had fair tan skin, it was a butter color, making my senses go wild. She had gorgeous brown eyes, I could stare at them all day, but I got a job to do. I slowly walk up to them, I stop and smile "Welcome to the Tsumorrow Cafe" I said, trying my best to deepen my voice so it seems least like a girls. "Follow me masters, and we will serve you." I say, giving a smirk. I show them to their table, still looking at the girl. She was just perfect, god I wish I knew her name. Continue to stare at them from the kitchen until I remembered there's no time to be a love sick pup. I have an actually job to do. I take a deep breath, in and out to calm my nerves. "WE MUST MATE WITH HER" my wolf says "Not yet, she probably won't like me anyways" I say under my breath. So far no one has liked me. Not even my own parents. My breath slows and my heart beats faster as I head closer to the table, looking at the other faces more closely. They were from my school, some the girls who bully me and the others that joined the crowd. But I'm never seen the one my wolf desires. She must be new to the area. "Are you ready to order?" I say as I approach the table, deepening my voice so they don't recognize me. "Uh, yea.. I'll have a latte and like some ramen, no meat." The girls say. The guys I didn't care about, I've never been interested in them" What about you master?" I say to the girl. I want to know her name, so badly. She glances up at me, giving me a clear view of her beautiful eyes. "I'll have a bubble tea and some apples please." She said in a calm voice, and omg she sounds AMAZING. I was already begging for her to say more. "Of course, I am your humble servant. I shall bring you what you ask" I say, kneeling down to her. With that I leave off to the kitchen. I was basically running, I wanted to get this done quickly, I wanted to hear her again. "HEY BOYS, I GOT MORE ORDERS!!" I yell to the cooks, they're both guys so I hand them the orders and stare at the girl. The boys already know what I like most, so they don't judge if I sit back here and watch. "Oh and boys make the bubble tea better than the lattes please. This one is the one." I say, looking at the girl. "On it, this one must really catch your interest" one of them said. "Yes she does" I say, a little blush goes across my face. "The food is done Anna." The other chef says "Thanks, and don't call me that at work" Anna walks away from the little window and grabs the food, carrying all of them on the forearm and hands. I head to the table, setting their plates on the tables. "Your food has been served. Ring the bell if you need anything!" I say, catching a quick glance at the girl. I look at her "Are you knew to town? I don't think I've seen you here. Anyways I hope you become a regular costume here at the Tsumorrow Cafe!" I say to her very happily. Before she could answer I hear from the back, 'ANNA GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE'. I sigh at look at here"Sorry ater, duty calls" I say and walk off to the kitchen. "I get it, I get it. I should keep helping the other customers" I say looking at my boss. He's pretty damn skinny for a guy working a cafe. You can tell he's Italian too, his accent sticks out quite a bit. "It's not that. You're not wearing the maids outfit again" He said to me. I sigh and look at him with disgust. "You would never catch me dead in that thing" He just pouts. I look over to the clock, seeing as my shift is over "Hey boss, my shift is over, I'm heading home." I say running off before he could say anything. The cold wind on my face feels great. I could almost do this forever

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