The Crappy Classmates

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I rush to class, holding onto my beanie, making sure it would never fall off. If it even moves an inch, it puts me into a state of panic. I make it to my class, everyone laughing and whispering as I slowly walk in. My heart thumping louder and louder as I head to my desk. So many words written down on it. It's told these words could bring people pain, yet I feel nothing inside. I look up at the board, my eyes start to dull as I read the words on there. "Free Study, & new student" It wasn't the second part that bothered me the most, it was the study part. It meant no teacher entirely around to help me, no one to stop them to doing what they want. A full on hell, for me anyways. For the next few moments, everything around me is silent, everyone is talking but my mind is somewhere else. Not even I could control it. My mind just, wandered. Wandered to the girl, Vanessa. She's beautiful, in every way possible. I finally snapped out of reality when the bell finally rings. Everyone stands, waiting for the teacher to walk in. She teacher walks in, with someone following her, it's quite hard for me to see her, with me i the back, that was until the smell of fresh baked treats, filled with vanilla and chocolate fill my nose. "It's her!" me and my wolf yell, it was my mate, she was in my class! I was basically jumping to see her, even if I only saw her a few minutes ago. Everyone sat down, looking at Vanessa. She looks gorgeous as ever, especially cute in the school girls outfit.
"Everyone" the teacher said "This is Vanessa Transiski, a new transfer student. Vanessa, why don't you introduce yourself to the class." The teacher says, stepping back to her desk. Vanessa looks up from the floor, looking at everyone in the class, I notice her gaze landed on someone, not being able to pin it on anything I know of. "I'm Vanessa Transiski, I'm from Canada, I like skiing and other stuff." Vanessa says to the class. The guys look at her in awe while the girls see a new friend. Part of me wanted to walk up to those guys and yell at them she's mine. I wanted to claim her so bad. I knew bad things would even happen if I tried. "Very good Vanessa. Now find a seat, there should be one next to Anna." I look up at her as she walks down the row of people, a slight blush comes prominent on my cheeks. She takes a seat next to mine, as the teacher walks out, letting us do whatever we wanted at this point. I sigh and pull out my notebook. It's not anything specially or something but I use it for art. I use it as a way to release when times are tough. I open it up to a blank page, letting my hand do whatever, lightly brushing my pencil up against the paper, tracing out a sketch. When the light sketch is finished I look to my left, then to my right, seeing Vanessa staring at me. "Y-Yes, why are you looking at me" I say, looking at the girl, seeing her gaze is on my notebook, I cover it in my chest. She just looks at me. "You're not a guy so why where the guys uniform." She says, straight to the point I guess. Time for excuses, "The girls one is too revealing for me, plus the pants are better." I say to her, taking another glance of her face. I look once more at her features, seeing how much beauty she has to offer. And honestly, it's endless. "Righttt. So what you drawing anyways" Vanessa says, after saying that a ball of paper hits my desk, I know what it says already. I sigh ,taking the crumpled up paper and putting it into my binder, without ready a thing. I sigh to myself, when will this day end, I think. That's until a desk and chair, lightly bumps into mind. I look up from my notebook, seeing Landon Chisaki right in front of me. "What do you want?" I ask him, he just stares at me with a blank face. "What do you mean? Am I not allowed to sit with you two?" He says, I take another deep breath, filling my senses with my mate's wonderful smell. "Umm, are you sure about that. You know what they do right?" I bark back. I honestly don't want to get on the class rep's bad side. The dude has knocked someone out once. It was quite, funny. "Yeah, I know. But if they throw anything else, someone's getting punched" He says cracking his knuckles, a dark grey shadow was held above him. His anger showing quite well, it makes me want to laugh honestly. I look over at Vanessa, she's t-trembling. My mate, scared. I look at Chisaki, firing and even worse glare at him. One filled with rage and hatred. His look slowly back to normal, seeing that he was possibly scaring the poor girl. "Hey there, Vanessa right? Anyways I'm sorry about that, what we're talking about is-" I cover his mouth and cut him off. 'Don't say a thing about it' I mouth to him, he gets it and I remove my hand from his mouth. "Don't listen to him cutie. Anyways, this is the class rep Landon Chisaki. If you don't listen to him or bully a kid, he'll whoop your @$$" I say, unconsciously swearing in front of him. "Anna, no swearing at school" he says. Part of me just wanted to flip him off, but I couldn't with her here. "Fine, Fine." I said, flashing him the middle finger quickly. I give a sweet laugh. My attitude finally picking up after being shoved here. He gives me what, most people would say a hard punch. But I see it as light. It makes me laugh even more. "Um so, what are we supposed to do?" my gorgeous mate said to him. "We don't usually have free study back in Canada." She says. I look at her, honestly I was just as confused when I first came here. "I know how you feel cutie, I'm from America so I didn't know when I first came here. Anyways since no one ever told me, I do whatever I want. Get hate letters, do extra work, or even draw. Do what you see fit." I say to her with a smirk across my face. She nods then looks away, looking at the bullies. I guess they know her. "Listen, go hang out with your friends. They probably won't let me hang with you anyways" I say looking down, Vanessa just gets up, I guess she walked away.
"Bump" I hear up against my desk. She moved her desk closer to mine, our elbows almost touching. "Nah, I can hang with them later." She says. Finally the bell rang, it was time to eat...

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