Chapter 6

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Marcus P.O.V

Right as I was about to leave someone walked in. Draco.
"Well well well what do we have here?" The blonde douche said. " Why are you here Malfoy?" I hissed. His face went bright red. " Oh I see. You came here for your girlfriend." Marcus smirked. "Shut up!" He yelled.
"So you are meeting someone here?!" We interrogate.
" It's none of your business." He said.
"Have fun. Hope she gets pregnant" We said as we left.

I got back to my dorm and luckily everyone was asleep. So I snuck into my bed and went to sleep.
Marcus P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and Draco was standing at the foot of my bed. He had a smirk on his face. Great what does he want now I thought. " If you keep seeing Wood I will tell everyone." He finally spoke.
" Why are you so interested in my love life?" I snarled back.
" Because Gryffindor and Slytherin are enemies." I just rolled my eyes. How come what hose your in determines who your friends with?
" Fine then I guess your going to have to tell everyone." I said.
" You know what I'll actually go talk to Wood. Maybe me and him can make a deal." He said and left. Great what's he going to say to him?
Oliver P.O.V

I was walking back from the library when Malfoy stopped me. "So I want to make a deal." He told me. I raised an eyebrow. "If you keep seeing Marcus then I'm going to expose you in front of the whole school." I froze up in fear. Ok yes I know that it's a 3rd year when I'm a 7th but still he's a Malfoy! "Why are you so interested in me and Marcus anyways?" I snapped back. "Because Slytherins and Gryffindors can't be friends"
"You only said friends not in a relationship." I snarled back at him.
"That's even worse!" He's just a homophobic biased little kid who likes to make someone feel like crap because he doesn't feel good about himself.
"Fine but just don't tell anyone and I'll stop being friends with Marcus." I said to get him off of my back.
"Deal." We shook hands and went our separate ways. I need to meet up with Marcus to tell him my plan.

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