Chapter 16

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Oliver P.O.V

I wake up from being knocked out and Im in a different place than before.
"What the fuck?" I say and see my legs cuffed to a chair. I go to move my hands and I can. I wipe the blood coming from my jaw as the door proceeds to open. But this time it was a woman.
"Hello deary"
Marcus P.O.V

I silently tap my foot on the ground and wait for an answer. "Where are they?!" I say and the next moment later the door opens and McGonagall and Dumbledoor walk in.
"Do you have any idea of where he might be?" Dumbledoor asks.
"No, my dad never told me about where they took their hostages." I say.
"Then who might?" Asks McGonagall.
"Malfoy......" I mumble.
Draco P.O.V

It was about 3 o'clock in the morning when I was being shaken awake by a concerned Marcus.
"Get up!" He softly yelled.
"Whyyy?" I groan.
"Oliver is missing." Says Marcus. I jolt up from bed and I see the dried tears on his face. He takes me to McGonagall's office and her and Dumbledoor are in there.

I get sat down in a chair. "Where is he? Do you have any idea of his location?" Marcus starts asking quickly.
"I might know where he is but it's not guaranteed that he's there." I answer. I see the light in Marcus' eyes return along with some tears.
"TELL ME THEN GOD DAMNIT!" Yells Marcus as he shakes me by the shoulders.
"The manor...." I reply. Marcus looks me dead in the eyes,nodds as a sign of thanks and then sprints out of the room.

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