Chapter 8

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Oliver P.O.V

It was the day before Christmas Eve and I still didn't have Marcus's gift. Luckily my mom was taking me to Digon Alley. I was getting him a new broom and a broom cleaning set. I know he will love it. Marcus had stayed at Hogwarts over break because he didn't feel safe or comfortable at his house. His parents were Death Eaters so I understand why. I finally reach the broom shop and walk in. "Olly?!"
Marcus's P.O.V
"Olly?!" I say as my boyfriend walked in. He wasn't supposed to see me because I was surprising him for Christmas so I hid behind one of the shelfs. He came out to his parents on his birthday. They were so nice to him. If I would of did that I would of gotten a howler. And I don't think that's the best way to come out to the school.

One day we were stuck under mistletoe. It didn't end well because it was at the entrance of the Great Hall. He and I blushed furiously.  Surprisingly no body laughed. But it was still embarrassing. We didn't kiss if that's what you want to know. Olly just walked out of the great Hall while I went and sat at the farthest end of the table. Away from everyone.
Oliver P.O.V

I heard my name and looked around. It sounded like Marcus's voice but how could he be here? He was at Hogwarts. I just shook it off and I looked towards my brother that worked at the store. "Hey Olly." He says with a warm smile. Ok actually it could of been him that was so surprised to see me.
"Hi Liam." I say as I hug him. I hadn't seen him since 2 weeks before the term started. Business was so busy that he pretty much lived there.
"Your so tall." Liam says while taking a step back. I did grow a few inches but that was it. "Coming from the guy that's 6'3" I laugh. "Ok yeah yeah what do you need?" He asks.
"The best broom you have and a cleaning kit." I smile. Liam leaves and comes back with exactly what I asked for. He rang me up and we paid for it. I gave him a hug and said that I would see him on Christmas.
Marcus P.O.V

I left as soon as the coast was clear. The last thing I heard is when Oliver's older brother said what does he need. Just so I didn't hear what he was getting the person. Probably because it would of been me.

I left and went to the room I was staying in for the holidays at the leaky cauldron. I didn't want to go home and then have to explain why I wanted to leave the house on Christmas Day. I got ready for bed and laid my stuff out for tomorrow. I wrote a letter to Olly and went to bed.

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