Chapter 7

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Oliver P.O.V

"Quidditch field ASAP! Xoxo-Olly" I sent as a letter to Marcus. So if we meet up there nobody would see us.
* 5min later at quidditch field*
"What did Malfoy say to you?" Marcus says walking twords me. "He told me to stay away from you. But who says we have to listen?" I reply, "ok so here's the plan. We can still be together but we have to go back to our old ways in front of people." Marcus just looked at me and thought for a moment.
"Ok. But just know don't go fooling around with other girls." Marcus says sternly. We kiss and then go our separate ways. Lets hope this works.
Marcus P.O.V

After the meeting at the quidditch field Olly and I have only been meeting up in the room of requirements or the prefect's bathroom. And I don't need to tell you what we do. I love him so much and honestly I hope I marry him. I will marry him. Maybe by the end of the year. His hair is my favorite. Its kinda wavy but also straight. And then it's soft and silky. His light brown hair. God I love him so much. I wish he knew how much I loved him.

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