The new recruit

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Ok guys, this is my first fanfic so no judging is allowed... anyway feel free to comment and pls do vote... I am huge fan of Snow white with the red hair... Anyway, choose one of the outfits in the picture above to wear for now... like in the story... not for real... If you don't like any of them then just make up your own... ya... now let's get on with the story...


I sat on the balcony watching master work. He seemed to have forgotten I was there. I had a funny idea. So why not test it out while master has his guard down. Hehehe...

"Oh hello miss!" I said waving at the door.

"Obi, I'm a boy..." said master not looking up.

"Why master, I know that you're a boy. I in fact, was talking to miss Miss Shirayuki." I said smirking. I watched as master stood up pushing his chair back. He scratched the back of his neck with his hand and started talking without even looking in the direction of the door.

"Oh hi Shirayu-" he stopped talking because he just realised that miss wasn't at the door. He slowly turned his head towards me. His hair covered his face. I knew that master had figured it out. There was a red tick mark on his head too. Was he that angry at me? Ooops...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry to disturb you Zen, but he's here." said Kiki.

"Who?" asked master.

"You know..." said Kiki, she sighed then handed master a letter, "Zen, you're lucky I kept it with me or all this information would be exposed and he would not be happy."

Master opened the letter. He quickly scanned the contents.

"Oh! Of course!" he remembered, as he slapped his face, "Obi, go tell Shirayuki that I will not be able to see her today."

He neatly folded up the letter and stood up. He handed Kiki the letter.

"Oh! Actually, I might have some time. Obi, just wait here. Don't go to Shirayuki." master said before turning to Kiki again, "Kiki, take me to him then return here and wait with Obi."

"Actually Zen, he's right outside. You go talk to him and I'll be here with Obi." she replied.

"Okay." said master, then he left. I only caught a glimpse of some black clothing outside. Who could he be talking to? Without realising, I started making my way to the door. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing!? That is a private conversation! Even I am not allowed to be there! Don't try anything, got that?" Kiki whisper shouted all the while giving me a cold glare.

"Alright! Alright!" I replied, lifting my hands in the air. I sighed in defeat.

There was silence among us. The only thing that broke the silence was the voices of master and someone else who I didn't recognise.

"Alright... yes of course... I agree to the terms... so do you accept the offer?" I heard master's faint voice and the other muffled voice. I didn't understand what the other voice said but I could understand most of what master said, "yes, would you like to meet him?... I understand... yes of course... would you mind if I only told my aides since they are my personal guards?... thankyou... it will be a pleasure working with you... yes you may take your leave... see you in a few days time..."

Master opened the door and strode right up to Kiki.

"He's a she!" he whisper shouted into Kiki's ear.

"What?!" she replied, her eyes widening.

"HE IS A SHE!" master repeated. They had obviously forgotten I was with them so I decided to speak up.

"Master, you are very bad at whispering." I said with a smirk crawling across my face.

The look on master's and Kiki's face was priceless! It was obvious that I wasn't meant to hear that or any of what master said. Kiki quickly straightened up.

"Obi-" she started.

"Obi you will have a new partner." master cut in.

"Wait what?! No! I don't need one!" I complained.

"I know you don't but it would be better to have two people with skills like yours. If I didn't know any better, I would say that our new recruit is just as good as you!" he yelled.

There was a short silence until master spoke again.

"Feel free to ask her questions... but not personal ones..." he said looking to the floor. His eyes were filled with sorrow and I couldn't help but ask.

"Why not personal-" I started.

"Because she has a lot more scars than people can see!" master cut in, "She has a past that most people would consider a curse. I however, told her that no matter who she is and where she came from, if she had a good heart, she would be welcome in my palace. And no one would push her to tell them anything she didn't want to. So that includes you Obi."

I was so startled by this that I stepped back.

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