Long time, no see...

17 3 8

Zen P.O.V 

I started to get worried. What if (Y/N) left the castle? Lord Brother would kill me! What if Obi doesn't find her and blames it on himself? What if Mitsuhedei never talks to me again?! What if (Y/N) decides to leave Clariness and never come again? What if-

"Master, may I come in?" asked Obi, from outside the room.

"Yes, come in." I replied.

He opened the door and came inside but he didn't close the door. I was about to tell him to close the door but I saw a shadow behind him.

A girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes appeared behind him. She didn't even look at me but she looked at Mitsuhedei and then Obi.

"Obi! Look out! There's a random girl behind you!" I yelled, pointing in the girl's direction.

Obi turned around and was about to punch the girl but she caught his fist in her hand. She seemed to do it very easily too.

"Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else." said Obi to the girl.

"It's fine." replied the girl in a familiar tone.

"Obi, do you know her?" I asked and Mitsuhedei turned around for the first time in one and a half hours.

He ran up to the girl and started muttering things to her I could only hear a few things.

"Are you alright... he looses his temper sometimes... don't worry... he doesn't hate you... are you sure... no you don't need to apologize... you aren't going to leave are you?..." he said.

"Wait who is this girl?!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention.

The girl glanced at me but looked down, her bangs covered her eyes.

"I'm (Y/N)." she replied.

"Huh?" I asked in a confused tone.

There was suddenly another knock on the door.

"Your highness, I have a message." said a voice from outside.

The girl, Mitsuhedei and Obi moved away from the door. Allowing a guard to enter.

"Your highness, Prince Izana requests your presence to discuss Lady (Y/N)'s disappearance." he said before noticing the black haired girl, "Lady (Y/N)!"

He quickly bowed to her.

"Oh, get up Liam!" the girl yelled.

"Yes, Lady (Y/N). Long time no see..." he replied, straightening his posture.

"Stop calling me that! And also... you actually remember how I look?" she asked.

"Well of course. It was my duty to protect Prince Izana and you were always around so..." he replied.

So... the thing is... pretty much... everyone knows who (Y/N) is except me... and she is not only (Y/N), she is LADY (Y/N)??????

"So, exactly who are you, (Y/N)?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. Izana wants us, let's go." she replied and stepped out of the room.

~Time skip~

  (Y/N) and the guard talked and laughed the whole time to Lord Bother's office.

"... and remember that one time when I tried to convince Izana to come with me to town on his birthday? When he finally gave in, you ruined the whole thing by appearing out of nowhere in the middle of the town square's dance festival. Liam you were such a party pooper! It was sad, but to be honest, the look on Izana's face was priceless!"

"Ya, in the end, I did feel sorry for him. And I beat myself up because he didn't talk to me for four days straight!"

"You deserved it!"

"It was for his own good!"

"You sound like his mother now!"



~time skip~

We finally arrived in front of Lord Brother's office. I knocked on the door.

"Lord Brother, it's me." I said.

"Yes, come in Zen." he replied.

I opened the door and walked inside.

"You idiot! What did you do?! Lord Haruka told me that (Y/N) was crying! If I knew this would happen, I never would have-" he started.

  (Y/N) and the guard stepped into the room. 

"Izana, leave him alone. He's only a kid." she said.

"Oh, hey (Y/N). I was just uh..." he said.

"Izana! Leave him alone!" she yelled.

"Well how can I?!" he yelled back.

"Find a way to! He's just a kid and he missed out on a lot!" she spat at him.

"Fine." he replied shortly.

"Now what do you have to say?" she asked.

"(Y/N) I'm not gonna say that!" yelled Izana, folding his arms.

"Izana! Say it!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry Zen." he whispered.

"And what do you have to say?" she said looking at me.

"Umm, it's okay?" I said unsure.

"Oh, never mind." she said slapping her face.

"(Y/N), it feels just like old times." said Izana.

"What does?" she asked.

"Well, seeing the old you." he replied.

"Oh, I guess." she replied, "Well, I better go. I wanna see all the people I used to know. Izana want to come along?"

"Sorry (Y/N), I can't." Izana replied.

"Okay." she replied.

"Hey, I'll come." I said, feeling the urge to apologize for being rude to her.

"Umm, okay..." she said before turning and heading out the door.

Before I could go. Izana grabbed my arm.

"What are you planning?" he whispered in a harsh tone.

"I just want to apologize." I replied.

He let go and said, "Make sure you don't do anything like this again! Okay?"

"Okay." I replied.

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