Where is she?

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Mitsuhedei POV

It had been a while since Zen got called to King Izana's office so I decided to go look for him.

"Oh, Mitsuhedei..." said Zen as I turned a corner.

I didn't see him so I turned around. He wasn't there either.

"Zen?" I asked.

"Over here." he said and I started looking around.

I saw a shadow on some stairs that twisted around a pillar and at the top I saw Zen on a small balcony. His back faced me and he leaned on the railing.

"You came to find me?" he asked, not looking at me.

"Yes... are you okay?" I asked after a bit.

"Yeah... (Y/N) just had to leave for a bit..." he replied.

What?! Again! No! No! No! Not again! It can't be!

"Where is she?!" I shouted spinning Zen around by the shoulders.

His eyes widened at the sudden change in mood. He lifted his hands as if surrendering.

"She just went for a while to relax." he said.

"O-oh... is that so..." I said as my eyebrow twitched in embarrassment, "S-sorry about that."

"Before you ask, no, I don't know where exactly she is but I do know that she wanted some time to herself." Zen stated.

"Do you... like her?" he asked suddenly.

"What! No! I like Kik-" I quickly stopped myself.

"Y-you?! Like Kiki?! Hahahahahahahaha! It's gonna be so funny watching you confess!" he laughed.

"Hey! Sh-shut up!" I said, "Anyway... we should go back now, Kiki and Shirayuki are waiting."

"Shirayuki... ya..." he said, leaning on the railing again and staring out onto the fields.

"Don't you want to go see Shirayuki?" I asked.

"I would but... there are some things on my mind right now..." he replied.

"Huh... she could help you sort things out- wait is it about (Y/N)?" I asked.

"Yeah so I don't want to get Shirayuki involved." he said.

"Well I'll go tell them that you want the day to yourself... also, have you seen Obi?" I asked.

"No... he must be out doing something." he replied.

"Okay, come back when you feel like it... you don't have anything on the agenda today." I said.

"Hmm. Sure." he replied.

I started going down the short amount of steps. Before stepping onto the last step, I bent my head back to look at Zen. His hair swayed in the breeze. I smiled to myself and continued on my way.

  (Y/N) does sneak her way into everyone's heart. Where is Obi? Hey, is it possible that he knows where (Y/N) is... Hmmm... Well I'll just have to find out later...

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