She'd never forgive me for it

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Hey guys i'm just warning this chapter Izana...he will...hug zen!!!!!!!!! so get ready...ya...oh and the out fit above s the one you wear when you are training or on a mission...oh and you always wear a mask on your face...with the hood...ya...just so you know...ya....let's get on with the story!...step forth my beloved readers! and continue the journey! of (y/n) and her friends...ok that was weird...ok just keep reading...don't mind guys should know how mental I can be...ok just keep reading!

Mitsuhedei POV

(y/n) turned around and jumped off the balcony.

"(y/n)!" Zen said, bending over the railing.

"She could be seriously injured!" Shirayuki said, running to the balcony.

Knowing (y/n), she's not going to do anything stupid...just yet...

"Don't worry about her..." I said.

"Mitsuhedei, how can you say that?! she just jumped from the fourth floor of a castle!" yelled Shirayuki.

"I know...but she won't do anything she can't handle. I'm sure of it." I replied.

"Exactly, who is she?" asked Shirayuki.

"Oh, she's (y/n)...ummmm Obi's partner...ya" I replied.

"Yes but also an...old acquaintance of Mitsuhedei and Lord to tell me now, Mitsuhedei?" asked Zen emphasizing the 'now'.

"I'm sorry Zen...I truly am...but...but I can't!" I replied, looking to the ground, "I-I wish I could...but-" I stuttered.

"Why don't you just tell us?!" asked Zen rhetorically.

"I told you, Zen, I can't!" I yelled.

He was pretty surprised by my sudden outburst but...I couldn't do it...I couldn't tell him what would just lead to more questions...questions I don't even know the answer to...I just can't loose her again...

"I'm sorry, Zen...I-if I told you...she'd-she'd never forgive me for it...we can't risk losing her again...we just can't..." I looked up. I knew there were tears in my eyes. When I looked into Zen's eyes they widened. He's probably never seen me cry...then I rubbed the tears away with my sleeve before they could roll down my cheek.

Shirayuki came up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"It's okay don't have to..." she said. Then Zen started to tense up a bit. Jealousy? Probably... I shrugged her hand off and turned away.

"I'm fine..." I said facing the door.

Suddenly, there was some knocking on the door.

"Zen, can I enter?" asked Izana from outside. I knew why he was suddenly a lot...nicer...(y/n)...she's why...he's just happy that she's back...

"Yes of course Lord Brother." he replied, taking me out of my thoughts.

Izana stepped in and shut the door.

"Hello Shirayuki... what are you up to on this pleasant day?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing...just here to visit Zen." she replied.

"I see..." he said.

"Was there a particular reason you came by, Lord Brother?" asked Zen

"No, not really...just here to check up on everyone who protects my only brother...speaking of which," he said, "where are Obi, Kiki and (y/n)?"

"Oh, Obi and Kiki went to help some soldiers train." replied Zen.

"And (y/n)?" he asked.

Zen stayed silent so I jumped in.

"Pardon me your highness, but (y/n) is..." I said.

He nodded at me questioningly and I understood so I continued.

"it was..." I said nodding in Zen's direction. Zen didn't seem to understand but Izana sure did. He tensed up a little, then he walked up to Zen. When he was right in front of Zen, he spoke again.

"Zen, I swear, if you did anything to hurt (y/n)'s feelings...I-" he stopped and did something he hadn't done in a long time. My eyes widened at this sudden gesture. He stepped forward and... HUGGED ZEN! I saw him bend down next to Zen's ear and whisper something. I couldn't hear what it was but it was obviously to do with (y/n).


Okay my brother is pretty unpredictable but when he suddenly hugged me, it outdid any of his previous unexpected actions.

"Zen, please protect her...keep her safe...I know she won't listen to me...but she'll listen to you...she won't listen to me because of what happened last time...I put you in danger...I almost lost both of you...please don't let it happen again...give her some time to adapt to can't explain it but... just give her some time..." he whispered into my ear.

This is all so

Then he broke away from the embrace. He turned to face me again, "If it's alright with you?"

"Yes of course Lord Brother. Stay as long as you wish." I replied.

"Thankyou. Go bring her back Mitsuhedei." he repeated.

"Yes your highness." said Mitsuhedei, bowing.

Then he turned and headed out the door.

"Zen," he said and I turned to face him at the bookshelf picking out a book, " I wish I could tell you...but...I can't...I just can't... if-if I did...she'd never forgive me for it...please try to understand... please Zen..."

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