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Welcome, my beloved readers ...I'm really sorry for putting you guys on hold...But... I'm back now... so in this chap, you gonna have a fight with Zen...not physical...like...verbal...ya...now keep reading...pls vote and comment...love you guys...


Mitsuhedei and (y/n) came in after a while. (y/n) was dripping wet from the rain. Her hood was covering her face so I couldn't see her eyes. The veil she always wears covered the lower part of her face so I couldn't see that either.

They walked in quietly and (y/n) stood in the corner of the room while Mitsuhedei came to me with a big smile. Why was he so happy all of a sudden?

Izana stood up and went to stand next to (y/n). He whispered to (y/n) and she nodded. Then he turned to face us. I got out of my chair and went in front of my desk. Shirayuki and Mitsuhedei came to stand on either side of me.

I didn't really know how to start up the conversation. What should I say? Ummmmm... ok this is awkward because we're all just standing in silence. I wish I could see (y/n)'s eyes. I can read her eyes so easily. Like earlier... scared... or maybe hatred?... no I think it was just fear.

"Ummm, I apologise, your highness. I was not aware that the r-red haired maiden was your comrade. I will be sure to confirm with you next time." she said formally.

"Ugh..." I turned to look at Shirayuki. She should be the one to answer. I gave her a nod. She nodded back and stepped forward.

"It's fine miss...?" she looked around the room for a clue of (y/n)'s name.

"(y- (y/n)" she replied after a little bit of hesitation.

(y/n) hasn't looked up even once. Was it because she didn't want to see Shirayuki? The thought made me angry... very angry... how could someone hate someone as kind... and generous... and beautiful as Shirayuki?

(y/n) was silent after that. We all were. Then Shirayuki tapped me on the shoulder.

"Zen my break's over. I need to get back to work." she said.

"Yes...yes of course..." I replied still in deep thought and anger.

"Zen... Zen look at me-" she said as she turned my face with both her hands so I would look into her emerald green eyes, "Don't do anything to rash...okay?"

"Alright..." I said, shaking her hands off my face and turning back to look at (y/n). The fact that she was hiding her face from me was only one of the things that angered me. How could she be so angry at Shirayuki that she wouldn't even look at her friends. AKA me.

When Shirayuki left the room everyone was still silent. Mitsuhedei went to the bookshelf. He sort of nodded at brother and he came to stand in the corner with him. They started whispering things among each other. I jut stared at them with my mouth slightly open.

When I turned back to look at (y/n), she wasn't there. I looked around the room until I saw her at the door. Poking her head out... Looking at Shirayuki?... no way! She has such a hate towards Shirayuki, that behind her back she looks at her in disgust and hatred.

"(y/n)," I said and everyone looked at me, "I would like to ask you a question."

She stepped back into the room with her back still facing me. She closed the door and turned to face me. Her face was still covered. I could feel the anger boil inside of me again. Why? This is starting to get so ridiculous!

"Yes, your highness?" she asked, quietly.

"So...ugh, where did you go?" I asked, clearly irritated.

"I-I was at the lake..." she replied.

"What lake?" I asked because I was pretty sure that there was no lake around here.

"U-Ugh...I-I... I-it was at..." she tried to say. I've never seen her stutter like this.

My anger boiled inside of me as she didn't respond. Was she faking the fear? What was really behind that mask? Fear... or hatred?

"(y/n), I would like an answer." I said.

She slowly lifted her head. She wore the mask that she usually wore but it was crooked...like it had been taken off... Her eyes me mine. They were telling me to stop asking. So I decided to ask her a new question...

"Alright... then answer me this..." I said, in deep thought.

"Zen-" started brother.

"Izana! Stay out of it!" she whisper shouted. Surprisingly, he listened and stepped behind (y/n). She looked to the floor once again.

"What do you have against Shirayuki?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"The r-red haired girl?" (Y/N) asked hesitantly.

"Yes!" I yelled, taking a step forward in frustration. My anger was getting the better of me.

"Then why did you attack her?!" I yelled. She seemed almost calm but that angered me further. Brother spoke.

"Zen," he said.

"Izana!" (Y/N) yelled, she lifted her head and gave him a death glare. He suddenly bowed to her, even she was startled.

"I apologize." he said, still bowing.

"Izana, get up! You're the freakin king! You don't bow to me!" (Y/N) yelled and Brother immediately stood up. He went to the corner of the room where the bookshelf was.

"(Y/N), is it because of her hair?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

She sighed before replying, "Y-yes your highness."

"Why?!" I yelled in fury.

"B-because-" she started but I cut her off.

"Because it's red, isn't it?!" I shouted. She flinched ever so slightly at the mention of  red. I knew it!

"Y-yes..." she said quietly. At that, I lost it. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Why does everyone have to be so judgmental?!" I yelled, going towards(Y/N), "Why does everyone only care about her hair?! I love her as she is! With or without that red hair! Shirayuki does not deserve to be treated any differently!"

  (Y/N) POV 

"Why does everyone have to be so judgmental?!" yelled Zen, coming towards me. Exactly... why does the world have to be so judgmental?... especially to the people of Ringo Tani... my home...

"... Shirayuki does not deserve to be treated any differently!" zen shouted, bringing me out of my train of thoughts.

"(Y/N)! Are you even listening to me?!" he asked, grabbing my shoulders to make me face him.

I looked into his eyes. Like a beautiful blue diamond, they were... Beautiful... He really cares for this Shirayuki girl... he... he's in love...

"You're right," I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, "She does't... but... it's red... and... red isn't really the best part of my history... I just can't let history repeat itself!"

I shook his hands off my shoulders and turned. I ran out the door. Maybe it was best if I did leave... maybe...

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