Untitled Part 20

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My body ached. I pulled an arrow out of my back. Pain. Still, I kept going. This is not the end. I will take them down. One by one. They will fall. Because they only fight for themselves. They don't work together. 

Who am I kidding? I'm fighting alone too. In a matter of time, I'll go down. But not yet. I'll fight until the bitter end. I'll-


"Woah! You got her good, Sir. She's loosing consciousness. I think... she's dead."

"We won!"


"Sir, congratulations!"

"Good job, Sir."

"Sir, you have some impressive ski-"

"Shutup! Look over there..."







"They're from the castle."

"Sir, what would you like us to do?"


"Sir, yes, Sir!" they all said in union.


guys soz 4 not updating. My family member just got back fromt the hospital so... yeah... anyway thx 4 ure support and pls vote and comment... as usual, thx for reading fate is not just red! i luv u guys!

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