We can't loose her again...

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Hey guys I hope you find this interesting so far... ya... let's just get on with it...


"I want to start over...I want it without the... incident..." her voice rang inside my head. I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed. It kept repeating itself. What incident? How did she know Izana and Mitsuhedei? Why was Izana so nice to her? He's never nice to anyone...Who is she?...

~the next day~

3rd person POV

Zen, Kiki and Obi were in Zen's office. Zen was doing paperwork while Kiki read a book and Obi guarded the door. Suddenly, a white figure dropped onto the balcony. It was (y/n).

"I have arrived Prince Zen." she said.

"Just call me Zen." he replied.

"As you wish, Zen." (y/n) agreed.

There was a short silence before Zen opened his mouth to speak but (y/n) started talking first.

"Zen, you said that no one would push me to say anything. Does that include you?" she asked rhetorically.

There was another silence before she spoke again.

"Where is Mitsuhedei?" she asked.

"He went for a break in the garden." he replied.

"I will go fetch him. Please excuse me." she said, bowing before turning and heading out the door.

"Kiki, Obi, I am going to follow her. If you two are my friends, you will not try to stop me and you will not follow me. Understood?" asked Zen.

"Yes, Zen." they replied in sync.

He got out of his chair and left the room. He caught a glimpse of white so he went closer. As expected, it was (y/n). He hid behind a pillar as she turned around. Then she went right so he turned right. He followed her for a while before she stopped. Zen quickly hid behind another pillar but (y/n) didn't turn around.

"Zen, I thought you said no one would push me to tell them anything." she said.

He remained silent.

"Zen I know you're there... there's no point in hiding." she said.

"I won't push you to say anything but please, just answer me this..." he said after a short silence, "were the things you told me on the first day we met, true?... the things about your past?"

"Yes Zen they were..." she replied.

"Then where was the part about you knowing Lord Brother and Mitsuhedei?" he continued.

"Zen, I would never lie to you without a good reason... but just so you know... that wasn't a lie... I told you only a portion of my past... I-I couldn't tell you everything... please don't ask anymore of me... I do not wish to discuss this any further... please, Zen..."

Zen came out of his hiding place and walked up to (y/n). She was still facing away from him. He went next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She slightly flinched but relaxed again.

"Thankyou for telling me..." he whispered into her ear, then turned and went back to his office.

~time skip~

(y/n) POV

I found Mitsuhedei sitting at the training area. He must have been training for a while because he seemed pretty tired. Then we talked for a while. It was pretty awkward because I did tell him not to treat me like an old friend.

Then we went back to Zen's office. We walked in an uncomfortable silence. When we arrived at Zen's office, Mitsuhedei opened the door and held it open for me. He smiled a lop-sided smile but I just nodded and walked in.

Mitsuhedei POV

I opened the door and stepped inside. then I held it open for (y/n). I gave her an awkward smile. She just nodded and walked forward. I actually was quite hurt that she didn't smile back but I shook it off later.

We walked in to find Shirayuki with Zen.

(y/n) POV

I walked in with Mitsuhedei following behind me. I know that he was hurt by my actions but I couldn't act normal. Not after what happened. I just couldn't...

I was snapped out of my trance when I caught a glimpse of red. NO! Now way! There was a girl with red hair standing behind Zen. What was she doing? I grabbed my sword and pushed her away from Zen.

"Zen! Look out!" I yelled, as the I pointed my sword at the red haired girl on the floor.

"Zen!" the girl screamed.

"(y/n) stop!" Zen said, as he pulled my arm away from the girl.

"(y/n) that's Shirayuki! She's not a threat!" yelled Mitsuhedei, as he helped the Shirayuki girl up.

"Red..." I mumbled and I just stood there frozen to the spot.

"(y/n) stop!" I said, as I pulled her away from Shirayuki.

"(y/n) that's Shirayuki! She's not a threat!" yelled Mitsuhedei, as he helped Shirayuki up.

Then (y/n) mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't hear. She stood there and stared at Shirayuki. I suddenly realised that I was still holding her arm. I felt my face heat up but I don't think anyone noticed. Then I quickly let go of her hand.

She looked like kind of scared but I couldn't tell because her mask covered her face and her hood did too. I had never seen her like this. She started mumbling things to herself. She took a step back and we all looked at her.

"(y/n)?" asked Mitsuhedei.

She just kept mumbling and stepping back. I looked into her blue eyes. I had never noticed what colour her eyes were. Black hair and blue eyes... a weird combination. Either way, her eyes were filled with fear.

"(y/n)?" I said, taking a step towards her.

She looked at me then back at Shirayuki. She turned and jumped off the balcony.

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