ll੮ll ...Hide The Admiration...

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Jerked, twisted, punctured, all the same to describe what I had done to Greysan, my charming asshole of a mate. Snapped was maybe an extravagant way to put it but it was certainly extraordinary that I could resist the urge to so.

Sengara, Aria and 2 others of our group were the only werewolves while the remaining 5 including me were human. Believe it or not they all found recently, only about 2 years ago during some once-in-every-180-year blue moon eclipse and we all swore to secrecy instantly when were told. Or the more accurate way to put it, witnessed the shift during a night of getting together in the basement of a friend's house. Though it is cool to know you've got some werewolves for friends, but unfortunate that they'll have Mates while humans like moi not so likely. Until today that is. Human mates weren't very common, almost unheard of.

"Mani, you're awfully silent." Ekraj called, wrapping an arm over my shoulder and partially leaning me down under her massive bone weight. Perhaps my thin physique was to blame here.

"Daydreaming of the night she'll get tonight, scheming of ways to enhance the experience," Sengara drawled, turning to wiggle her eyebrows from ahead.

"Oh certainly Sengara, she's always been more eager of her Mate than any of us," Aria cared to mention, finally after lightening the silent dead weight she carried for the past hour we've spent eating. We may be sticks but if you think a teenage group of football player can eat a lot, then we would've certainly, without a doubt outshine them twice over.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she found out she's pregnant by the end of the week because of him." Sengara snorted. A middle age women standing in close proximity of her gave a horrified expression, eyes as wide as the two plastic bowls of ice creams she held. I wince.

Words like pregnant, masturbation, reproductive, sex and same sex relationships could earn a lot more then just expressions. A good ass whooping, as well as in more dire conditions permanent disownment was more suitable. I am not even exaggerating here, the more religious ones would do it. We are god graced our parents didn't hear, or at least my parents don't a chance of finding out. We have no lurking relatives, no distant aunts, no disowned cousins, or any cousins here where we live. Perhaps good now, but not when I was younger.

"Guys," I hiss under my breathe as we passed the lady. "The bibi's are hawking us again."

"Fuck," Ekraj grimaced when she turned to meet my gaze at the older women now throwing daggers into our back.

That seemed to shut us all, even Sengara who was perhaps the most outspoken person I know beside my younger sister. We weaved through the crowd, now on route in the direction of the temple where I was to meet my parents after my 2 hours were up. The girls dropped me by the front gate, more heavily packed than another other place here. They each bid their quick farewell, Sakashi pausing to pass a hug me, Aria smiled faintly, Sengara winking her farewell, Baani winking smugly, Ekraj smirking with a nod and the rest screaming a goodbye with a given nickname of their choice, before leaving.

My taste-buds sizzled to life, begging for some sweet after all the spiciness of the pizza some new pizza shop had served about a block down. Despite my stomach's fullness, my mouth waters. I leap off the side walk, avoiding a puddle of orange soda, to cross the street to where I saw babies with their faces smeared with chocolate ice cream.

I was just pushing my way through a particularly tough rush of baby strollers (like why do you even try with that here), mouth happy with some coldness and my stomach on the verge of seeming to burst when I heard a call from behind. The voice was male. Not even my father's.


I curse him under my breathe, not turning and pretending to not hear when I push harder to get pass.

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