ll੩੬ll ...Room for Friends..

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"And the tandoori chicken is ready!" I sang, hurrying while carrying the plastic white tray into the spacious parlor room decorated by no other than the idiots. I huffed, blowing a stray of hair which happened to slip out of my lowly clasped bun. "And they're hot so be careful. Hey, wait, where are you guys?"

The dimly lit room was empty. The sofas were unclaimed, their red plastic cups abandoned and their phones scattering the glass coffee, arm rests and cushion.

It wasn't long before Ekraj's head popped out of the entrance to enormous pillow fort they were trying to built last I saw them. I flinched at the sight of a darkened head at first, sighing of relieve when realizing it wasn't Nearly Headless Nick. An assortment of pillows and duvets lined the surrounding area like some treacherous moat.

"Mine!" She growled, yelping loudly when she was pushed face down from behind. Soon all nine were out of the fort which honestly looked too small to house them all. Thick firmer cushions were used for the almost circular walls while using a matching comforter as the roof with a stick pointing up the front. If it weren't the puzzling framework, I would've commented on the danger of the plug with a string of glowing fairy lights run into the fort and tip of cylinder cone. It was pretty impressive to say the least.

"Oh my god. You still continue to amaze me with your cooking," Muskan said, chewing her chicken when leaning against the foot of the couch.

"Hey, by the way, where did you get the chicken from? Didn't you say there wasn't any breast pieces left this morning?"

"Yeah, where did you miraculously get chicken breast from at like seven in the evening?" Aria asked, biting into her share.

I grin nervously, avoiding their eyes. "Nowhere special," I murmur, trying to not think of the bloody sink and cleaver.

"Any movie suggestions?" Diyvjot asked just as I sat myself before the mountain of extra cushions.

"No dolls," Baani shot. "I don't fuck with them."

"Wussy," Ekraj mumbled.

"Classics?" Diyvjot offered, seated behind us all by the projector. For tonight, our night, the neat parlor room was transformed into the dream movie room for friends. The glass panels were draped with thin linen making it eerie and dark, the lights on the lowest adjustment setting, the room was covered in plushies, duvets, and food platters. There was even a projector and a wide screen set up thanks to Aria's amazing mate, much to her dislike.

"You're a classic bitch, might as well play your dumb ass on replay," Sengara snickered, getting a dirty look in return. "Oh my god, you could have been the next wolf man with those hairy unshaved legs."

"Says the werewolf," Diyvjot murmurs as we laugh. "Suck my dick!"

"You're a man?" Aria brought a Pepsi can for me when getting herself a Sprite can.

"I'm not surprised, especially with that beard you have," Sengara pointed.

Aria and I spat our drinks as soon as we took the first sip. Ekraj was crying tears, laughing as high pitch as a squirrel.

"You sound as bad a broken record." Aria spoke when finding her voice.

"Thank you?" Ekraj accepted in the form a question.

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