ll੩੪ll ...In the moment...

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Digging a hole into your thoughts can be a dreadful thing. It can be impossible to find satisfaction when so many of thoughts were too obscure.

That was me upon the cushiony recliner Greysan kept secluded in front of his desk to the corner, in his darkened study, drowning in thoughts. It was a grand and marvelous place to be but it lacked books. There was only half a wall behind him covered with it, all boring university level stuff from advanced fifth year calculus to medical books of human anatomy. No classical, fictional works from authors like Cassandra Clare, J.K Rowling, Holly Black or Sarah J Maas. Heck, there wasn't even a simple English dictionary on the shelf.

I was seated here for no reason, involuntarily playing with my shortened layer. It was a comfy seat but I was seriously bored. In no time I found myself asking, "Was elementary worth the 7 years?"

"Why would you ask such a thing?" Greysan frowned, eyes not wavering from his laptop screen.

"Never mind," I shook my head, realizing the stupidity beneath the question. "Can I have some food?"

"Manpreet," Greysan sounded confused, but sincere. He had to lower the screen to his laptop just to meet my hazy shameless gaze. "I'll have someone bring you popcorn and grilled tomato cheese sandwiches but what's on your mind?"

"Was elementary worth it?" I say once again but more firmly. It sounded louder too. More than my stomach at least.

He thought about it for a solid minute, gaze studying. I knew neither of us had the happiest of childhoods, Greysan having to mature so early on in order to help understand his Alpha duties while I became a caretaker. "Maybe in a way it was, despite how far ago it was. You grew from that innocent 5 year old self for the better."

"Or not," I remark sadly.

"Or not," Greysan empathized, no doubly hearing my soft words with his impeccable wolf hearing. "But you grew nonetheless."

When returned with silence, the chair was pushed back and I heard him come around the desk towards me. His grey business attire made me so uneasy I had to clutch the fabric to my whitened kameez.

He had no choice but I did, so I kept wearing the mourning white. Only a few more days, I assured him.

Perched on the arm of the recliner, besides me brushing my hair before kissing it, he said, "Why would you ask that?"

"I was just thinking of elementary and how I despised my days here although in the moment back then, I was happy. From the thought of school I began thinking of that house and then my parents," I sighed heavily, Greysan's finger stilling in my hair.

"I'm ready to a mother Greysan. A better mother than my mom was to me. I'm not saying she was the worst of the worst but, I guess all I'm saying is that blood family never really held much importance for me although they did care, took us traveling, shopping, bought whatever we liked at the right time and everything so on."

"That doesn't make them good people, my Luna," Greysan mentioned, referring to my given title. He was rather fond of referring to me with the given status; it was equivalent to calling me his princess or queen and I'd have to be lying to say I hated it.

"I know," I wove my fingers with his long calloused ones. "Some of the stuff did hurt, and forgiving them is hard when they never apologized in the first place. They simply forgot and resumed the usual the next day literally, until I angered them again with my disobedience. I was blamed on for everything, even if I wasn't at fault. I was always scared they would kill me. I can't get over that psychological truama. But at the same time I don't want to hold grudges to prevent myself from healing."

The name calling, being threatened, the feeling of always being scared and sometimes beaten. It wasn't fair, but not like I'd say that out loud.

"I know I'll be mindful of what I say and how words can hurt more than any glass fragment. I'll know to admit when I'm wrong and seek forgiveness regardless if I'm older, I know I can be here for them at their lowest even if they don't want me to know. I don't want them to be scared of me, I mean I do but not so much that they can't come openly to me. Perhaps a little stern, but not much you know. I'll be traditional but my own better version."

"And you will look beautifully doing so, my Luna, because your personality is as beautiful as your heart. You make me proud to have you as a Mate with such a considerate mind of yours. I'm grateful for you, I'd never give you up for anything. You are what makes me sleep at night with a smile."

"I love you Greysan," I brought his face closer until our lips met with heartbreaking softness. Yeah, I was scared for our baby to come into this world but I knew what not to do. I knew how to treat her or him and despite genetics, I will not be my parents.

"Mmmm, you remind me of something." Greysan pulled away, eyes glinting.

"Yes?" I say, smiling from the accomplishment that I had made him forgot his dreadful work even for a few minutes. He was so stressed lately, it pained me to see him with so many creases in his forehead and a persistent frown.

"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one."

"Someone's been catching up on some of the classics. Sarah J. Maas, nice choice. She's a favorite." I remark, happier than what I was mere moments ago.

"You should smile more, it suits you." Greysan slid down the arm of the recliner until he was saturated behind me, an arm loomed over my small chest and equally flat stomach.

"Smiling is confusing, that's why I don't do it."

He was nicking my earlobe with his awfully sharp teeth, his coarse suit already straining against the deepened back of my kameez. My hair was brushed forward over an arm, his palms holding me captive tightly. "Nice one my bookworm, where is that from now?"

"Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell duh! I mean hello, Levi was ooof. It's a classic!" There was a warm grin against my skin. I felt and heard the sound of a laugh afterwards.

"Have you read City of Bones?" He wondered.

"That's just insulting now," I frown, smacking him. "Who hasn't! Oh my sweet lord, Julian Blackthorne. Ugh, kill me!"

"Wasn't he like, what, 12? And didn't he only show up for City of Heavenly Fire? He was irrelevant," he scoffed, leaning back just as I whipped my head.

"How dare you call yourself a reader Alpha Greysan Cole Salvatore!"


"Haven't you read Lady Midnight! Lord of Shadows! Queen of Air Darkness? 5 years after the uprising of Sebastian? By Emma Carstair's point of my view!"

"Oh, come on. I can't be a fanboy all the time, I'm an Alpha first and foremost Mani," He almost sounded as if he was whining.

"Please just stop talking, me and my inner fangirl can't even with you right now. I will always remain to be a fangirl before anything else!" I held a palm over my heart.

"You wouldn't be mine if you weren't," he sung sweetly, his head resting back in his cupped hand.

"Enough jokes," I frown. "I have a serious question to ask now."

"What is it?" He asked, stiffening his posture.

"Do you know my husbands Rhysand of the Night Court and Patch Cipriano?"


My two close friends came over for my prom picture shoot for the yearbook since we don't get a prom.🥺👌🏼

One did my makeup and got dress to take the pictures with me while the other spent like three hours taking 210 pictures and 14 videos of us. ♥️What a day, now to do the shitload of chemistry ☹️


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