ll੩੭ll I was Young...

211 8 3

"Get the Warriors assembled and prepared to defend our borders," Greysan growled as soon the his third in command, the Gamma, approached us after a while of him holding me.

I stared ahead, the body discarded like trash, trembling like a leaf. Greysan had worn the shorts the Gamma brought and had me pressed into side when I shook my head to his question of whether I was injured. They discussed the safety of others and possible traitors for a few minutes until they both grew silent. I realized then both males were looking at me with worrisome eyes when noticing where my gaze was.


"Why are we here?" I ask in a small voice, playing the hem of my plain night shirt.

"Because it is safer here than there," Greysan grumbled, leading me to what appeared like a study on the ground floor. "Are you sure you are not hurt?"

"Positive Greysan," I frown, noticing how icy his tone becoming. During our drive here, he hadn't talked. Instead, he had clenched his jaw and squeezed the steering wheel as if trying to work out some festering anger. "What is this place?"

"Another manor I own in this Pack for guest or emergencies like this," He snapped, leaving me near the threshold and heading to his massive magonany table in the heart of the room. The room was unlike his other study, his desk still organized with pens, a laptops and dozens of folders; this space, however, was beyond cold and just detached with life. The walls were lined with thick volumes of books and a yellow looking chandelier was hanging above, with a million dangling rhinestones from the rounded ceiling. The ground was lined with expensive rugs that I thought my dirty flats were ruining.

"Will you be honest with me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask curiously, heart skipping a few steps. Out of habit, I crossed my arms to brace myself.

"Why were you staring at that dead person as if you recognized him? And before you say anything, I heard your heart pick up there several times," Greysan turned to look at me from across the room.

"I-I," I hesitate. "I didn't expect to see him again."

"You knew him?"

I held my thoughts. "No."

"Then what?" He growled, furrowing his brows at me.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Answer my question," He demanded.

"He was an acquaintance."

"Is that so? Care to mention his name, his favorite colour, or any of his pets, or how did he find you?" Greysan remarked.

"I told no one if you're implying I had something to do with this," I snapped angrily, stepping forward to see him better. "I didn't even think he could remember my name. Especially with all the cousins we share," I murmur the last bit.

"Family? You said he was an acquaintance!" Greysan bellowed, eyes starting to glow bright amber.

What's with him?

"Why you do care Greysan? He's dead and I hardly knew him! I didn't think anyone cared enough for me to get me back, and besides, my family has no werewolf genes. I'm just as shocked as you, so don't you dare pin me here."

The atmosphere quickly became made this a place I don't wish to be anymore. I was tired and frustrated and- "What is with your family history then?"

"Whatever," I ask slowly with gritted teeth, "do you mean?"

"The Grewal family." His eyes were darkening and trying to inspect my reaction, which was indeed surprised. "You have a few cousins from that side, your father's sister family, who have disappeared. Your cousin Envir-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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