ll੨੪ll The Sagai...

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Ever since the dinner and mention of a wedding, all I could see on social media were the pictures and videos of bridal events. The flamboyant suits, the photography sessions, memorizing DJ's, glamorous decoration, heavy jewelry, arms and legs worth of henna, and the glorious reception night. It was so surreal to imagine.

It was just that night of the dinner when I told Greysan I wished to be married, after the heavy make out session in the privacy of our bedroom. Marriages at 18 probably shouldn't be done many would argue, being naive and inexperienced and such, but this just felt right to say yes too. Besides, this was a choice I wanted to make. Greysan bring the gentleman I knew he was, only asked me once again the next morning if that's what I wanted.

It was a few days morning later when Greysan was walking with me down the hall to the staircase when a rather loud female exclaimed. "Farlo, Mani's got the jackpot!"

"Why do you need to be such a materialistic bitch?" another female voice said in return, sounding just as much as unsure as if she couldn't believe it, just like the first voice.

"Good looks don't pay the housing or electricity bills idiot," the first voice retorted again.

"Someone's desperate to sound like a saint," another female snorted.

These were the voices I'd remember from anywhere, even from the darkest crevice of my saddened mind.

"I live here too, although Mani's got the Alpha," Aria replied ambivalently, sounding softer than the other two so her voice didn't bounce from the high ceilings.

I turned to Greysan who appeared crossed between looking smug and awfully pleased with himself, glazing his hand over my waist before ascending the staircase leading upstairs. He gave a roguish wink when he saw me glaring.

Thank you, I mouth because I knew no words were going to be able to form. He understood and carried on his ascent with a wide grin and shaking his head.

Thundering down at a speed I'd normally be scolded for, I was soon greet with the usual sounds and curses I had grown accustomed to in the years. "Guys!"

Each of them, including Arvina, looked and gave me the warmest smiles I've been blessed with to see. Each of them also met my embrace, some scolding for leaving so unexpectedly but most giving their sincere congrats in their own ways.

"Ah, I've missed you kutis so much," I finally brought myself to say after stepping out of Muskan's arms. I wrapped them around Nureen's neck from behind, snuggling my chin to rest on her shoulder covered with her hajab for she was the shortest and ahead of me.

"Always knew you were a gold digger Mani," Sengara said, taking off her reflective Ray Bans from her head and placing them down the front of her black tank top. As usual she was dressed as if she were a badass gangster ready for a brawl in her worn leather jacket and tight spandex tights with combat boots laced up to her knees. From around her neck two thin gold chains could be seen, one shorter in length to brush her collar bone and another longer one which fell into her cleavage, and her ears full of radiant piercings. "It was about time you showed your true colours."

"Sengara," I chose to ask. "How come Alpha Maan let you guys come?"

Alpha Maan was a stern man, and very unpleasant if you were to disappoint him in any way. He was known to ran his Pack with a tight vice, most of the time, it was why most of this younger members and sons were always secretly disobeying him. Alpha Maan was also a pure Sikh, a gyani; he prohibited the consuming of meat, alcohol and other non-vegan stuff but just like every brown parent covering their kids' crimes, he loved to turn a blind eye to it all when he saw others indulging in it. It had become a norm and it was better than to loose Pack members he soon realized.

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