ll੧੧ll ...Before Anything...

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The door was banged shut on my mother's way out to work. I never left the bed since last night, hadn't bothered to get up for school even when all I was busy doing was drowning in my thoughts. My parents hardly cared to batter an eye about it, they needed a pretense to keep me from school. I'd be the nanny to pick my runt of a sister from her school so then my father wouldn't be required too.

The girls were erupting my phone to the point it's battery gave out, the Apple sign burning out too. I was glad they hadn't shown up yet, banging on the door til they broke it. Despite their levels of concerns, I was content on staying where I was, lost in thoughts when my throat seared with a painful fit that quickly became a coughing mess.

Heading down the cascading staircase with my croaking throat, my vision began to blur and started to go hazy with the dull sunlight of the staircase for a heartbeat. I was dressed in fuzzy white pjs of happy looking marshmallows, ruby hearts and chocolate mugs with an old shirt of lavender and sky blue robe of softest fuzz -which I somehow managed to trip over.

Rounding the hall to head to the squared kitchen, I had doubled over to cough some more and when I had straightened someone grasped me tightly from behind. A hand closed over my mouth, tugging me back to the spacious living room where we kept the curtains drawn. I buckle and thrash to no aid. My attacker had caught me at my weakest, and was forcing me to sit on the leather sofa. I tripped when pushed back and so I did.

My eyes narrowed when I saw his face eyes of softened mellow and hair of truffled chocolate..."You!"

Greysan let go of my mouth when he brought out some tape and rope from his back pocket, taping my mouth before taking my wrist and typing them ever so cautiously. "This is only temporary so you can hear me out, I knew you wouldn't talk to me without a reason and so I needed you to hear me first and then you may decide whether you want to share your side to this all."

I kept a watchful eye at how he wove the rope as he held my hand, wincing from the sting of the rope digging into my skin when he pulled it. "I'm sorry! I...didn't mean to do that. I hope I didn't hurt you too much, I'm sorry again...ah, I....do you need me to get you something? Is it still too tight?"

Bipolar much. He began on loosening the binds quickly, his gaze mindful of my moments and facial expressions. Only when I hadn't made a sound as he pulled the bind taunt again, them slightly more flexible from around my wrists so they weren't anywhere near to digging as they previously had, did he speak again. "I'm sorry for the bindings, I promise I am not a freak with the fetish for tight ups."

Greysan grimaced when he saw the expression I wore. "I didn't mean to suggest that...ah, I...okay, you know what? Allow to me to take that back."

He was pacing on the rug. "I came to speak to you, and these ropes are meant so you hear me out. I swear I debated this for the longest time but you consistently refuse to even meet me eye-to-eye and I can't even seem to understand it! I never said or did anything to suggest why'd you be so hateful towards me and it's gnawing on my insides to know my Mate refuses to even talk to me about what's bothering her. I know I'm not ideal and out of hand..."

I roll my eyes. His boy rambles more than I ever do when someone mentions my favorite book series. Now I know how my friends feel.

"Why do I feel like you're ignoring me and every word I have said?" Greysan tilted his head in thought. I give a nonchalant shrug, one that said I-don't-care-the-slightest. Keep-on-talking-if-you-like-to-hear-yourself-speak.

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