Kenterrius's Ordeal

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Chapter 2

That same day, Kenterrius had just gotten home from school. His brother, nicknamed Peanut, was in the living room watching TV and his mom was trying to take a nap in her room. Kenterrius sat down next to his brother.

Kenterrius: Damn, what a long ass day.

Peanut: Tell me 'bout it bruh. Hell, I almost got in a fight today.

Kenterrius: With who?

Peanut: That new nigga, what his name... Demonte.

Kenterrius: That dude that keeps tryin' to pick a fight with everybody?

Peanut: Hell yeah! I be watchin' that nigga and he be going around callin' everybody a bitch or some shit just for the hell of it.

Kenterrius: Damn. I thought he was half retarded when he first started goin' to school down here.

Peanut: Nah he ain't retarded. Not for real anyway. He just like fighting too much.

Kenterrius: Even more than Malkolm.

Peanut: I swear though, I was so ready to beat that nigga's light skin ass man! And if he try to fuck with me tomorrow he gon' regret that shit.

Kenterrius: You sure he ain't retarded though?

Peanut: Positive man. See, the reason he goin' down here is 'cause he was the smartest nigga at Akron. But the nigga got in so much trouble that they expelled him and wanted him deported as far away from the school as possible. Rumors say he once did a bomb threat on the school and almost got away with it. They caught him at the last damn minute.

Kenterrius: Got damn.

Peanut: Yeah but you know how our school got the lowest test scores in the county?

Kenterrius: Yeah.

Peanut: Well since he had such good scores on all his shit, our school's new principal enrolled him to try and boost the school up on the list of schools in the county with the highest test scores.

Kenterrius: Damn. But that nigga only been down here 'bout a week and he already got 6 or 7 write ups.

Peanut: Hell yeah, but the principal said they gon' make it work out somehow.

Kenterrius: I feel bad for those bastards tryin' to control that nigga. How you know all this though?

Peanut: Ohioji said he was in the principal office with him. They both got wrote up for fightin' on campus. (goes to look in the refrigerator)

Kenterrius: Oh yeah.

Kenterrius soon felt a strange feeling that something bad would happen. Since the events of our adventure the past year, he could never let his guard down for anything at anytime. Suddenly, 3 men dressed in complete black broke into Kenterrius's house. They broke down the front door and shattered the windows.

Goon #1: Everybody put your mo'fuckin' hands up!

Kenterrius: Oh hell naw!

The goons aimed their shots at Kenterrius, but he hid behind a chair, which would make good cover only temporarily. Peanut hid behind the kitchen wall.

Goon #3: Come on out! You know you can't hide forever!

Kenterrius knew they were right and that he was defenseless without his weapons, which were in his room. As the goons moved slowly toward him, he thought fast and threw a glass vase at the third attacker. It smashed into many, very sharp pieces, and caused his face to bleed heavily. As the other goons turned away to help him, Spud ran into his room, got his weapons, and got Peanut to safety in his own room. Spud then returned to finish the fight with his loaded pistol in hand.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now