Coming Together

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Chapter 9

The next day, I was up bright and early. An unknown, private number called me out of nowhere once I finished getting dressed.

Me: Hello?

Unknown: My friend, I'd like to make a deal with you.

Me: Can you tell me who you are first?

Unknown: No. Just know that you have a chance to end this little feud we have going on.

Me: Okay...

Unknown: I understand some bounty hunters are after you and your friends lately.

Me: Yeah.

Unknown: Well, I am offering you a one-time chance to stop all their attacks, all their murder sprees, and a chance to help your friends resume their everyday lives, all by doing one simple thing.

Me: And what is that?

Unknown: You are #1 on the Aademvencii's Most Wanted List. If you turn yourself in, they will agree to end their attacks, and let your friends continue living their everyday lives.

Me: What? There's no way I'm doing that.

Unknown: Well if you don't, the Aademvenciis will keep attacking until you and your friends are apprehended.

Me: Well what would happen to me if I did turn myself in?

Unknown: That is for the Aademvenciis to decide. I'm just the messenger.

Me: So, I either turn myself in to the Aademvenciis and let Amber, Kenterrius, and Omaria be free again, or I can refuse and just kill all you motherfuckers.

Unknown: I highly recommend that you turn yourself in, but yes, that's correct. It's your choice, Mr. Taylor. Oh and I almost forgot, if you choose to turn yourself in, reparations will be made to your friends for any damages to them or to their property and again, you have my word, they will no longer be hunted. So what do you say?

I thought for a moment. If I turned myself in, I could save my friends from what could happen to them and help repair anything of theirs that got damaged. Or I could do what Johnny Gat would do and just refuse, hunt the bastards down, and kill them all. I knew what the right thing to do was.

Me: Sorry. I'm not accepting the offer.

Unknown: Oh. That's too bad. Well, you've made your choice, and I respect that. But be warned. Whatever may happen to you or your loved ones is all because of you.

Me: I'll take that risk. Now get the fuck off my phone and go to Hell, you flaming sack of shit.

Unknown: Hear me and hear me good. The destruction of you and those around you is on your head.

I hung up my phone and ended that conversation. I had no idea what was to come next. About a minute later, Kenterrius got up to get ready to go to Tuscaloosa with Kent. Before they could leave town however, Kent had to go get some transfer papers from school so he could help his and Kenterrius's sister transfer to Bryant. However, just as they got to the school and got out the car, the unthinkable happened.

Kenterrius: I still don't know why that girl wanna go to Bryant for.

Kent: Fuck if I know. She our sister though, so she got her own ideas about...

(bombs go off in the school)

Kent: Ahh!

Kenterrius: What the fuck?!

The entire school went up in flames. Timed bombs had been set all over campus and had just detonated. Not that many teachers and students were at the school, but the ones that were, ended up dead.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now