Julia's Endurance

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Chapter 4

Meanwhile, my friend Yuliya "Julia" Tverdohlib had returned home. Julia is Ukrainian, blonde, and beautiful. Although she's taller than most girls I know, she's still one of my closest friends and I was always a fan of her long, natural hair. But her home was a much different place from the one she left. Where there once were people walking down the streets and carefree kids playing around, there were now tanks that rumbled through town, ready to shoot down anyone who opposed them and crime was rampant throughout the streets. People were smoking crack, weed, threatening to kill each other over intel of the war, and pregnant women walked alone in the streets, vomiting on a regular basis. All Julia wanted was for it all to end and for her home to return to its former glory. She just got home from her friend's house when she heard an explosion. When she looked outside, she saw that another gang that tried to regain control of the streets had been killed. There were bits and pieces of them all around one of the tanks. Suddenly, after the tanks had passed, Julia heard glass break in another room of her house. When she went to see what happened, she was ambushed by a Russian. He tried to knock her out by cutting off her breath, but she felt his knife attached to his arm, pulled it off, and stabbed him deep in his side. She then sliced his face twice, drawing blood, before he caught her arm and forced her to throw the knife away. He landed a punch on her face, almost making her fall, but she caught herself, picked up a piece of the broken glass, and as the attacker charged at her, she stabbed him through the side of his neck with the glass shard before he forced her to the ground. Julia saw an SMG sticking out of the attacker's weapon holder on his leg. But before she could attempt to reach it, the attacker yanked the shard out of his neck, wailed in excruciating pain, and tried to kill Julia with it. But she caught his arms, forced them back up in the air, grabbed his SMG, and shot the attacker in the left side of his face, splattering his blood all over Julia and mortally wounding the attacker. Julia got the man off of her and got back up on her feet. She had the gun aimed at his head in case he tried to make another move, but he couldn't. He died 5 seconds later. Julia was very emotionally shaken by what just happened. She could hardly stand for feeling a little dizzy in the head.

Julia: (crying mixed with heavy breathing) Oh God! (looks at the dead man in her living room) I had to do it.

Julia realized what she needed to do to end this madness. She saw another SMG that the attacker had and took it as well, along with any ammunition or valuable possessions the attacker had on him, including $590. She called her friend, Kate, to tell her what she was about to go do.

Kate: Hello?

Julia: Hey Kate, I need to tell you something.

Kate: What happened?

Julia: I just killed someone.

Kate: What? Why? Did he try to hurt you?

Julia: Yes.

Kate: Are you okay?

Julia: Yes, I'm fine. The dead guy in my house is not though.

Kate: Oh my god. Are you going to call the police? If you do just tell them what happened and they will...

Julia: No Kate. This war only started this year but it has already caused too much death and so much destruction. I should count us both lucky that our parents haven't been killed yet! But death is just closing in on us a little bit more everyday.

Kate: I feel you Julia, but what can we do? We are just high school students about to be seniors.

Julia: You don't have to do a thing Kate. But I am going to find a way to end this for good.

Kate: What are you going to do?

Julia: Something dumb I'm sure. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but I'll let you know what all happens, so don't worry. I'll come back. I promise.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ