Shooting the War Leader in the Face

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Chapter 15

30 minutes had passed and we made our way to the capital building. However, to make things simple, I had a good idea of how this could end with one simple headshot.

Me: (I walk into the president's office, reloading my SMG) Hey Lenin! (I shoot him once in the face)

Amber: (peeks from corner) Did it work?

Me: How could it not? He didn't have any protection.

Julia: I can't believe it worked.

Me: Yeah, now let's get out of... (an electric grenade blows us all away) Ugh, what the...

The president ripped off his face, showing that he was wearing a bullet-proof mask. His face was irritated and sweaty though.

Me: A fucking bullet-proof mask?

Lenin: Yes, being president sure has its perks. You are all now enemies of the state.

Julia: I'm not leaving my home. You're gonna have to do a lot more to kick me out.

Lenin: Oh I was hoping you'd say that.

Lenin disappeared under the floor, the office walls slid into the ground, then Lenin rose back up in a mech suit that was twice the size of the originals, but still had the same weak points, just harder to access.

Me: You're. Fucking. KIDDING ME!

Lenin: Like my new creation? I think it makes all the others look like garbage.

Me: You wanna play like that? (Amber, Kenterrius, and Julia stand behind me, looking fearless) Fine. We're game.

We split up to try and take the mech suit down. Lenin fired rockets at all of us, only managing to hit the still standing support beams of his office. Once the rocket launchers started overheating, we all managed to find cover behind cars that all had their batteries and gasoline stolen by Russians.

Kenterrius: How do we beat this fuckin' thing?

Me: (I look at electricity poles, then at the mech) I have an idea. That thing looks like it has the same weak points as the other mechs. If we can get the suit to shut down for a minute, we can climb onto it and take it down by hitting the pressure points like last time.

Kenterrius: How we gon' do that?

Me: Simple. We make him madder than a bitch on her period.

Spud and I ran out and started firing at the mech from several different directions. Amber and Julia watched and quickly picked up what we were doing. Once Lenin got mad enough, he charged at Spud, only to have him jump out of the way and his mech suit slam into a power post. The electricity ran through the suit and temporarily fried its controls, leaving it vulnerable.

Me: Sometimes size isn't such a good thing.

I climbed onto the suit, opened the back panel with my staff, dispensed a mini bomb into it, and jumped back off. By the time the suit regained control, the bomb blew up inside it and it struggled all over again to maintain control. Lenin still managed to shoot electrified disks at us, however. Amber managed to dodge all of them and fired some more arrows with explosives she found laying around tied to them. The explosions knocked the mech suit off balance and into another power post, and while it tried to regain control, Amber climbed onto the mech's right arm, dislodged the panel with an arrow, and dropped a lit stick of dynamite in it. Once Amber's feet touched the ground again, the suit's entire right arm blasted off. However, the mech's feet were still fully operational, and their stomps created massive shockwaves that blasted us all into walls. The suit's machine guns fired at us, but we managed to take cover behind some more cars. Unfortunately, the left arm's rocket launcher had cooled, and was ready to fire. But before it could, I froze it with my freeze gloves, and the rockets blew the entire left arm off. While the mech fell back, struggling to catch itself, Julia and I ran out with some long extension cords we found in the back seat of a car and wrapped them all around the mech's legs in different directions. The mech slowly fell on its front into a building. Lenin came out with an RPG in hand and blasted at us. We jumped out the way and narrowly dodged that rocket. As Lenin tried to reload, I froze the RPG and he dropped it. He then took out a long knife and jumped out at Julia, trying to stab her dead. I managed to block his attempt with my staff and knock the knife out his hand and him to the ground. Lenin attempted to shoot us with his pistol, but Kenterrius took his pistol and shot Lenin in his arm, making him drop the pistol. He screamed out of intense pain and as Julia reloaded, I ran and kicked Lenin as hard as I could in his stomach. He groaned in pain.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now