Xscape from a Haunting Past

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Chapter 3

Still the same day but earlier, I had just gotten home from school. No one was home, but something felt... off. Lately, I had been having flashbacks of my past, but they were of times that included the events of last year and further into my past. They kept me thinking about how much things had changed, and how I changed. The goofy, lovable, and frightened kid that I used to be was dead. He died when I had that near death experience years ago after getting shot in the lower chest by Dondrell Biggs. All I am now is a survivor, and since that adventure I brought my girlfriend and friends on so long ago, I could never be the same again. When I walked into my room, my weapons were under my bed where I had hidden them. I took my shotgun out from under there. It still had a little dried blood on it from when I blew a guard's brains out with it. I suddenly heard footsteps. The carpet gave it away that there was somebody trying to sneak up on me. The bastard had a knife in hand. I acted as if I didn't notice. But when he got too close, I shot him once. He dropped the knife and screamed as only a few of the bullets penetrated his body. He tried to hide behind the foot of my bed and still shoot with a handgun, but he had another thing coming at him. I knocked over my desk and hid behind it until the bastard had to reload. I saw where he was exposed and fired at him, making him drop his handgun. While he was distracted by his pain, I went over, kicked away the knife he neglected to pick back up, and before he could attempt to shoot me, I shot his whole arm off, splattering blood on my floor. He wailed in pain and jumped at me when I attempted to shoot him again. He attempted to grab my shotgun and divert my fire, but he ended up getting shot again in the stomach and blasted through the wall into the living room. He was in a state of massive pain. I came out of my room with my hydrant pressure water gun instead of the shotgun. I interrogated the bastard by putting my hydrant gun to his head.

Me: Unless you want to see what it's like to die by water, you'll tell me what you know.

Attacker: (struggling to breathe, but can't help but gargle some of his own blood) I, I don't know.

Me: (I put more pressure on my gun) Tell me what you know. NOW!

Attacker: The Aademvenciis sent me. I would've been considered a stealth killing prodigy had I captured you... and your friends.

Me: Where are Amber and Kenterrius?

Attacker: I don't know. I just did this for the glory.

Me: Where's the base of operations?

Attacker: I don't know. None of us know. But I was sent from a stationary camp down the road from the old abandoned prison.

Me: Has this prison been destroyed?

Attacker: Yes. I don't know how but it went up in flames one day without warning and some kids ran from it. The leaders of the camp sent some men to investigate what happened and snipers to kill the kids but none of them ever returned.

Me: You're done. Thank you. Now burn in Hell.

Attacker: No no! Plea... (gargling)

I put the gun barrel in his mouth and forced water down his throat at maximum power. The force of the water was equal to that of an out-of-control street hydrant. His body started spraying water out of his ears, nose, and some out of his mouth and private area holes. After he drowned, I looted him and found 3 full rounds of ammunition and $3,500 rolled up in a rubber band in his pocket, all in hundreds. I also found the location of the place from where he'd been sent in his iPhone 5 location history. Luckily he hadn't locked it. I then stuffed his body in a large black garbage bag and threw him out in the dumpster in the backyard. I had no idea how I'd explain to my parents what had happened, but I figured it was best to worry about that later and focus on the problem at hand. A moment later, Amber and Kenterrius both sent me messages through Kik that they had been attacked. I told them to meet me in the mall the following day when they could to plan our next move. I knew right then and there that there was no escape from my past. Shit just got real.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now