Sweet Presidency

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Chapter 16

The next day, we all put on our best clothes and teleported back to the Ukraine one last time for Julia's inauguration. I wore my burgundy sweater and cream colored pants that Amber found for me, Amber wore her African pattern dress and her tinselled boots, Kenterrius wore his button down shirt with navy blue jeans, and Omaria wore her red violet top with black pants and black heels. Valicia just wore a bright green two piece dress and Derrick wore a dark blue suit. When we all stepped through the portal, we arrived just as Julia stepped foot on the stage. The people of Ukraine cheered as Julia appeared in a gold suit made especially for the female president.

Julia: People of Ukraine, I know you all have wanted peace for a long time. I know you've been scared to fight back against invaders for the sake of staying alive. But I promise, that I will do whatever it takes to ensure that the Ukraine stays safe from any invader, from any enemy, and from anyone that threatens to try and tear our country apart. Thanks to my friends, Christopher Taylor, Amber Samuel, and Kenterrius McGuffie, we are entering a new age of peace!

A congressman asked Julia the questions for her to be sworn in, and the inauguration ended with the congressman saying, "Welcome, Madame President." The entire country cheered as the people watched the swearing in of the youngest Ukrainian president in history. Afterwards, we went to the Opanas restaurant for Julia's reception. All her friends came and congratulated us for saving the country.

Me: Well Madame President, I must say it's awesome seeing one of my closest friends on top.

Julia: Thanks Chris. I really couldn't have gotten this far without you. I can't thank you enough.

Me: Ehh, it's ok. I guess I'm just that type of person that wants to be sure that everything is okay with his friends and family.

Julia: The world needs more people like you.

Me: Yeah. Too bad there can only be one me.

After about an hour, I went outside and looked out at the stars in the night sky. Amber came out to make sure I was okay.

Amber: You okay bae?

Me: Yeah, I'm gucci.

Amber: (laughs) Why you outside?

Me: Just wondering what's next to come. We just liberated an entire damn country yesterday. We destroyed a bounty hunter clan and freed our towns from them. Just last year we became survivors and shit. Lord only knows what will happen next.

Amber: We just gotta take it one day at a time, bae. We can't predict the future, so we just gotta go with it and be ready for whatever comes at us.

Me: Yeah. (I kiss Amber's lips as her eyes glisten in the starlight) You okay with being a hardened survivor?

Amber: Yeah. I'll have a hell of a story to tell my therapist though.

Me: I bet he'll be proud of you.

Amber: Yeah, I think so too. Well, I'm going back inside. Just come back in when you're ready. I love you.

Me: I love you too. I'll be in there in a minute.

With all my friends and I have done, I already knew I couldn't predict what would happen next. But whatever it may be, that's a story for another time I guess.

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