Restoring Ukrainian Freedom

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Chapter 14

We didn't have many options for how to liberate an entire damn country, but we had to do something. Julia's whole town was depressed and under control of the Russians.

Me: So this is the Ukraine. Huh. I expected a little more.

Julia: Sorry, but it's got a war going on, so it normally wouldn't look anything like this.

Kenterrius: Kinda reminds me of home. There's a crackhead right over there. (points to a guy sniffing cocaine)

Me: That's just disturbing.

Amber: Don't do drugs. (laughing)

Julia: Okay, so how will we free the Ukraine?

Me: We need to get the people to help us because we can't take down all these Russian forces ourselves.

Kenterrius: So we should start a riot or some shit?

Me: Something like that. If we can get the people to help take back their country, we'll have a bigger chance of driving the Russian forces out for good.

Julia: Everyone here is too scared to do anything. How will we get them to fight with us?

Me: We inspire them. Another way playing Saints Row games can help us.

I found the nearest pedestal and got on top of it. I knew just what to say, and how to say it. My only concern was whether everyone spoke English fluently. I shot the ground under me to get everyone's attention. The Russians weren't paying me any attention since people already tried to inspire each other to fight back a few times before but failed.

Me: Listen up people of the Ukraine. I'm sure you've heard this speech a bunch of times. But we have to remember that what we do today, decides our fates tomorrow. I know you're all scared of the thought of fighting back against this invader and dying, but we have to remember why we do, what we do. The Russian president is dead. (so I thought) The base of their operations is reduced to rubble. They have NO authority over you anymore! And you all better believe we're gonna show these motherfuckers that THIS... THIS IS YOUR LAND! YOU own your homeland, NOT those bastards from Russia. Anybody ready to take back what's yours?

(Ukrainian people cheer)

Me: The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. once said that a man who won't die for something is not fit to live, but I know that's not anyone in the Ukraine. You're strong! You're fearless. You can say "Hey, I don't give a shit how many times you knock me down, 'cause you better believe when I get back up I'm gonna kick your ass in a ditch, bitch!" (Ukrainian people cheer louder) So what are we waiting on to take back what's yours? Let's get this shit started!

Ukrainians immediately started going around carjacking Russians, punching whatever soldiers they saw and overpowering them, and even kicking some in their balls and shins whenever they threatened to shoot them. Some were even beaten and stomped senseless. Soon, the Ukrainians had all of the Russians' guns, and the Russians were about to go into full retreat, but then three planes and three tanks came into the battle. Luckily, I had a plan for this too.

Kenterrius: Well, shit! They bringin' in tanks!

Amber: They got planes too!

Me: Wait, maybe we can use the tanks to take those planes down! Spud, you're with me. Amber and Julia, take the second tank, but stay out of its line of sight.

Spud and I hid behind a building, and Kenterrius shot the exposed Russian handling the machine gun at the top of the tank dead. The driver took the dead body and tried to see if there was any pulse, but as he did that, Spud and I entered the tank and I shot the driver dead with one of my electrified SMGs.

Me: I'll drive. Spud, you shoot.

Spud: If I gotta shoot, I'm using the cannon.

Me: Whatever makes you feel safer.

Meanwhile, Amber shot both the exposed guards in the remaining tanks dead, and their bodies disappeared into the tanks. While the drivers were distracted, Amber and Julia jumped into one and Julia shot the driver dead.

Amber: You know how to control this thing?

Julia: I can drive, but you'll have to shoot.

Amber: I'm not going up top though.

Julia: That's okay, you can just use the cannon.

Kenterrius and I managed to shoot one of the planes out of the sky, sending it spinning out of control and crashing into the shore. Amber and Julia shot a second one down, sending it into a nosedive towards the ground by the shore. We all shot down the last, but toughest plane, but it exploded in mid-air instead of falling. However, that last tank was left rolling. They managed to damage Amber and Julia's tank, but Kenterrius and I blasted it out of commission in no time. More Russian forces came from every direction, but we managed to blow all of them to bits in time. Soon, the Russians had no choice but to retreat.

Russian Commander: Retreat!

Soldier: To where?

(Ukrainians cheer)

Amber: (climbs out of tank) We did it!

Julia: (hugs me) Thank you so much, Chris!

Me: It was no biggie. Now all we gotta do is... No.

Standing in front of me was the Russian president himself. He had survived the base explosion.

Lenin: So, you think you can just get away with killing all my men and freeing the Ukraine from my control?

Me: Yeah, so what?

Lenin aimed his pistol at my head, but Amber aimed a pistol at his head, Spud did the same with his pistol, and Julia aimed her SMG at him as well.

Me: This can go a couple of ways. Go home, or go to Hell. Your pick.

Lenin: This fight is premature anyway. If you really want to end this fight the right way, meet me at the capital building in 30 minutes. (moves closer towards me) Otherwise, I will haunt you for the rest of your life, and I will make sure you suffer for as long as your body exists on this earth. (I headbutt him in the face) AH, UGH, just ratchet 'til the end! Your end will come soon enough. (walks away)

Kenterrius: We gon' kill that motherfucker, right?

Me: Damn right. But I have something else in mind for this.

Amber: Is it from a videogame?

Me: Yup. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell specifically. Johnny Gat is really helping me today.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now