From Recluse to Badass

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Chapter 7

It was 7 p.m. The location of the base was near the old abandoned prison from where my friends and I barely escaped before it blew up, only it was underground. I intended to go try to shut it down and get some answers to where the Aademvenciis were hiding. When I went outside, clouds filled the sky and the sun couldn't be seen. With my parents still at work and my sister spending the night at her friend's house, I took off in my gray 2008 Honda Accord, en route to the prison. I didn't know who was waiting for me, though. I took off down the road, but about five minutes later, some rogue drivers drove behind me and were closing in on me fast. When I saw their clothes, I knew who they were: Aademvenciis. I thought then that maybe I wouldn't have to go to the base yet after all. One of the four drivers drove up beside me and ordered me to pull over and surrender myself. Of course, I didn't listen. Instead, I shot the guy in the passenger seat dead with my shotgun and accelerated my car.

Driving Hunter: No! (picks up radio) Change of plans everyone. Shoot this kid on sight. He may be worth less dead but it's still a good enough amount of bounty to last us all for about the next half decade.

One driver then tried to shoot my wheel out, but I barely dodged it. Another driver shot my back and front windows out. I took my stun gun and shot electric current far enough to hit him, forcing him to swerve off the road. Two of the drivers tried to contain me by driving close enough to me to keep me from moving too much. Luckily I had a plan for this too. My water pressure gun proved perfect for making the car on my left slip off the road at 95 miles per hour. I shot at the driver first, then the wheels of his Chrysler. Two were down, two were left. Left with no other option, the car on my right slammed into me while the other shot at my car from the back. Fortunately, I knew a road that could help me lose those bastards. I went down Rice Mine Road, which was the bumpiest and woodiest road in town since road workers tore it up to repave it. My dad taught me a month before how to dodge potholes and obstacles in the road without taking any damage to the car. When I got to the road, my car shook, but not badly enough to get damaged. Before long, one of the drivers lost control and ran off the road, smashed into a tree, got forced out through the windshield, and a fallen tree's branch penetrated his stomach. He screamed, then tilted his head forward in death. The last driver wasn't giving up that easily though. He was dodging all the obstacles in the road like I was. He soon got close enough to shoot at me. He fired several shots with his handgun, only hitting the car. I fired back with my shotgun, but the shots only made him swerve a little. Suddenly, a drunken, high driver came down the road, swerving everywhere. I barely dodged him, but the driver after me shot the drunk driver dead, causing him to completely lose control of his pickup truck. The rogue driver ended up crashing right into the truck and getting forced out through his windshield. I stopped my car on the side of the road as the driver rolled off the truck.

Me: This ends right here, right now. (I take my stun gun out) There's nowhere left for you to go.

Hunter: I'm not afraid of you! You're just a kid!

Me: Oh you'll find I'm much more than that.

The hunter tried to punch me, but I dodged it and roundhouse kicked him to the ground. I then elbow slammed him in the crotch. When I got back up, I gave him one more chance to give in, but of course, he didn't.

Me: Last chance. All you have to do is tell me what I ask, and this can all be over.

Hunter: Fuck you you son of a bitch.

The hunter struggled to get back up, but when he did, I wasted no time punching him in the face twice. He almost fell again before trying to swing at me again. I backed away from his fist as it came toward me, took out my staff, spun around and struck a blow to his face, knocking him to the ground. He was bleeding now, but he wasn't ready to give in yet.

Me: Seriously, I only have like two questions. It should only take a whole minute at the most to answer.

Hunter: I'm not surrendering until I feel like it!

He threw a knife at me, which I barely dodged (it tore some of the fibers of my sweater, but didn't scratch me). I struck another blow to his face with my staff, knocking him to the ground face first.

Me: Anymore surprises?

Hunter: (no sounds)

Me: Now, all I want to know is where the Aademvencii leader is.

Hunter: Piss off you dick.

Me: (I kick him in the stomach) TELL ME! (I take my shotgun out and put it to the back of his head) Or I won't hesitate to end you.

Hunter: (blood gargling and swallowing)

Me: Fine. I'll make it simpler. Give me a hint of where your boss is and I won't kill you.

Hunter: (struggling to breathe) Think about it... What's the only place in town...  that could be a base... for about a hundred bounty hunters... and a big plan?

Me: What about a big plan?

Hunter: You're gonna have to find out yourself kid 'cause I don't know the details. Just know, it's gonna change the world. But if I were you, I'd try to weaken the rest first, then move on to the big boys. If they have no back up, you're more likely to win the fight.

Me: Where's the place that the plan is being hatched?

Hunter: Remember my hint.

Me: Just tell me where the place is!

Hunter: I don't know! I swear I only know where the recon base I was sent from is, and that there are only 4 recon bases out there!

Me: I know of one by the old blown up prison. Where's yours?

Hunter: It's an encampment 7 miles north of that one. It has constant security all around it, you can't miss it!

Me: Thanks.

I let the hunter go, then punched his shoulder, knocking him unconscious. I looted him and took his iPhone 6, all $425 out of his wallet, and his ammunition. When I went to see if there was anything else in his truck, I found two twin silver SMGs with electrified ammo and kept them. I also found a note with instructions about where to take his captives and who to go to to get paid, but it said to only go to the recon base that the hunter mentioned. With this information, I went back home to prepare to meet up with Amber and Spud the following day. This was definitely something I couldn't do alone. By the time I got back home, my parents still weren't there, but it was almost 9:30 p.m. My journey, however, was just getting started.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now