Kenterrius Gets Even

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Chapter 6

Spud had decided to go make sure there weren't anymore attackers near his home so that he would have one less thing to worry about. But just as he stepped outside, he he heard a faint beeping. When he turned his head, he saw a bomb set to blow in 20 minutes, attached to the side of his house. He deactivated it just as it reached 5 seconds, but soon hatched an idea of how to get back at the bastards who nearly killed him and his family. He took the bomb and walked through the neighborhood. As he walked, he saw things that he pretty much saw everyday, like nigga moment fights, domestic break-ins, people including kids smoking weed, and an occasional crack-head trying to make his own crack out of baking soda and dirt. Suddenly, he heard and explosion coming from the County Technology Center. He ran over and saw that somebody was trying to destroy the entire building complex. Students and faculty were all running away from the buildings. Spud ventured into the complex and saw a few mercenaries and bounty hunters, similar to the ones that tried to kill him, firing assault rifles into the air. Spud hid behind a building and readied his upgraded AK-147, but a mercenary saw him and tried to interrogate him.

Mercenary: Hey! You're ahhh!

Spud wasted no time crippling him by shooting his kneecaps. He dragged the mercenary over behind the wall of the nearest building and interrogated him instead of killing him right then.

Kenterrius: Where yo' fuckin' leader at?! If you don't tell me then it's yo' head nigga.

Mercenary: The leader isn't here! This whole operation is being led by Lieutenant Shmerd! It's meant to draw out some kid so we can capture him for his bounty!

Kenterrius: Where he at then?

Mercenary: He's... He's... (begins losing consciousness from blood loss)

Kenterrius: Talk nigga! Talk!

Spud threw the unconscious rookie into the window and left him laying on the floor inside the building. He then saw a few guards standing guard in front of the building where students took computer classes. Spud listened in on them before killing them.

Guard 1: So we're about to kill several people, all depending on whether or not some teenager comes out to put a stop to it?

Guard 2: Yup. I know it sounds crazy, but this guy is worth more than our lives put together.

Guard 1: Why?

Guard 2: Well rumors say he's one of the baddest mothafuckas anyone's ever seen. He and some other teenagers took over the streets in Tuscaloosa when crime went rampant last December. The bastard killed anyone in their way.

Guard 1: Got damn, you serious?

Guard 2: As serious as cancer.

Guard 1: Shit. How much is he worth alone?

Guard 2: Enough to keep us and our mamas set for decades, not shut up and pay attention. The lieutenant ain't too many feet away and if you piss him off he'll surely put a bullet in your head. Hold on a minute though, I gotta go use the men's room.

Once that guard walked away from the other, Spud made his move. He put his arm around the guard's face to prevent any sudden sounds from being heard, put the guard's face on the ground, bound his hands together with some old wires from a nearby building, and interrogated him by putting his pistol to the back of his head.

Kenterrius: I'll ask you only once. Where yo' lieutenant at?

Guard: I would rather die than tell you!

Kenterrius: Looks like that just might happen if you don't tell me shit.

Guard: You won't get anything out of me! I'd rather perish with honor than die a...

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now