A Boss and a Project

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Chapter 11

We were closing in on the HQ. Soon, we'd be able to put an end to all this suffering caused by these bitches. When we got down by the Links, the apartments were beautiful with the sunset in the background. People were all gone to sleep, and they were all used to hearing gunshots at night.

Me: Here we are. The Links.

Omaria: It's been a while since I've been down here, hasn't it?

Me: Yep. They just finished this place early in the new year.

Kenterrius: I wonder which one looks better, Hilton Garden or the Links.

Me: You can actually live here, so I go with the Links.

Amber: I swear I always wanted to live here!

Omaria: I see why!

As we rode through the complex, everything was quiet. No one was out. Then, this tall, 8 story building that was the same size as the building across from it appeared. None of its lights were lit, and there were no sounds coming from it. All the workers must've gone home.

Me: (parking my car) Well people, this is it.

Kenterrius: Finally found the damn place.

Amber: Yup. Now it's time to finish this.

Omaria: Everybody ready?

Kenterrius: Hell yeah.

Amber: This is what I been waiting to do all day.

Omaria: Chris?

Me: I just want you all to know that whatever happens in that place, we do it together. There's no other way I'd rather do this, and I couldn't be feel better knowing that you all stayed with me this far into the fight. Spud, you always been my nigga. There's no possible way I could've saved my cousin last year without you.

Kenterrius: I hear ya bruh. I always got your back, especially when there's killing involved. (we handshake)

Me: Omaria, thanks for sticking with us through all this. I know you could've been doing anything else instead of becoming one of the biggest prizes for the Aademvenciis, but I'm just glad you stayed with us.

Omaria: It just felt like something I had to do. I just wanted to make sure you all made it through. Jennifer would probably beat my ass for not helping anyway. (laughing a little) But I would've helped regardless. (hugs me)

Me: And Amber, I'm sorry I put you in so much danger, and that all these experiences got you traumatized and put into therapy, but I just wanted you to know that if I had to take a bullet for you a second time...

Amber: Third time.

Me: Oh yeah, right, third time I mean... I would do that. I really just wanted you to know that there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I love you baby, legitimately.

Amber: (kisses my lips) I know. You've proven it more than once. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you either bae. I love you too. (hugs me)

Me: Anyone else got anything to say?

Kenterrius: Well, just in case, Omaria I love you, more than life. You the best thing that ever happened to me. And I still wanna fuck the shit outta you when all this is over. (Omaria playfully slaps Spud and we all laugh) But I already know we coming back out when this is done.

Amber: How you know?

Kenterrius: 'Cause if Christ wanted us dead, we would've been there by now. We gotta still be breathing for a reason. (we all agree) So let's stop talkin' and go kill all these assholes! (reaches hand out)

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now