Enacting The Plan

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Chapter 10

Our first stop was the base nearest to us, which was the one down from the old blown up prison. Amber sat by me up front in the car, and Spud and Omaria were in the back. On the way, we planned what we would do.

Omaria: So what's the plan? Sneak in, interrogate any guards we find and get out?

Me: Yeah, but we need to be like ninjas and make sure we're not spotted so they won't order a lockdown of the HQ before we get there, or try to send hunters to contain us. I'm sure they would if they knew we're coming. And since we don't have enough firepower to just bust in, we gotta do some collecting.

Kenterrius: Why not just blow up one of the damn bases or threaten to? See I found this timer bomb back in Greensboro that they were gonna use to blow my house up. We could use it to put an end to these mothafuckers.

Me: Let's save that for an emergency situation. Or for if none of the Aademvenciis know where their own HQ is.

Omaria: You must really wanna blow some' up today.

Kenterrius: I got cravings.

Omaria: Cravings?

Kenterrius: Yeah. Cravings to make some carnage. Look, these motherfuckas tried to kill my brother, blow up my house, wipe my town off the face of the planet, and they just tried to rob the mall, after blowing up our schools, just to get to us. I wanna make sure their shit's blown up good.

Me: I understand that. But don't worry Spud, we're gonna make sure all these dicks get what's coming to 'em.

Omaria: Amber I know you're quiet all the time, but you're really quiet now. Anything wrong?

Me: I was wondering the same thing. Didn't you tell me you had a therapist appointment later today?

Amber: It's okay, it's later on at night.

Me: Worried about anything?

Amber: No. But lately I've just been wishing things could go back to the way they were. But I know they never will.

Me: I do too.

Amber: I mean, I'm glad I can protect my family and friends now, but ever since last year, all I can think about is all that happened.

Kenterrius: Not really meant for that killing lifestyle, huh Amie?

Amber: (looks at her bow and arrows, some with dry blood on them) I don't know. But I do know that we gotta do this. For all those people killed in those schools.

Me: Well I can promise you bae, revenge will be sweet as fuck. Just wait, you'll see. And after all this is over, I'll do my best to give you a break from all this.

Amber: Thanks Chris.

Before long, we reached the location of the base. This was the underground one, so no one was around. The entrance was a big metal door with no handles.

Omaria: How do we get in?

Kenterrius: Simple. We blow it up.

Omaria: And if they hear the explosion?

Kenterrius: We kill anyone who shows up.

Me: I don't know about this.

Kenterrius: You got a better plan?

Me: Yes. Guard. (I point to a hunter guarding the entrance a few feet away) Amber, can you take him out?

Amber: Yeah.

Me: You only get two shots. He'll wonder what the first one was, but if you miss the second time, he'll know we're here.

Amber: I got this bae.

At Death's Edge 2: Original Version (Amateur)Where stories live. Discover now