Julia's Sacrifice

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Chapter 8

Time in the Ukraine was ahead of the US by 8 hours, but all this happened only a few minutes after I found the location of another base back home. Julia was still in prison, and she was getting very impatient about finding a way out.

(all in Russian)

Julia: Ugh, there has got to be a way out of here.

Prisoner #1 (Caucasian male): Sorry girl, there is no way out. Once you get in, you never get back out.

Julia: Have you all even tried to think of a way out?

Prisoner #2 (Ukrainian female): What do you think? That's all we did for weeks! No success.

Julia: How did you all even get here?

Prisoner #3 (Black male): I was sent to spy on the Russian activities by the US Secret Services of Seattle. It was a new place but we already had the trust of the people. But when I went to this base as part of an important mission, I was caught. They had a camera right over my head. I've been down here ever since.

Prisoner #4 (French male): I was sent to dismantle the Russian bombs so they'd be useless in an attack. They caught me as I was working on the last one.

Prisoner #5 (Ukrainian male): I was in a gang and when we tried to take back our streets in the Ukraine, I surrendered as I watched all my buddies get blown to bits. If I could make it all right again, I'd definitely take that chance.

Julia: What about you?

Prisoner #6 (Black British female): I was sent by the United Kingdom government to blend in with the crowd in the streets and report as much about the Russian/ Ukrainian war as possible. The conditions, the death count, expenses, etcetera. We were hoping to use that information to bring the peace back to the people of Ukraine and give them back their voice. One day I ended up asking the wrong person a question, and I was caught. They had guns pointed at my head in all directions, so there was no escape. They brought me here and I've been locked up for a month and a day now.

Julia: So none of you know a way out of here?

#5: Sorry. But there's no way out. We've lost.

Julia: No we have not.

Julia desperately looked around, but found no solution. After a minute of thinking, she hatched an idea.

Julia: Wait, how often do they bring food?

#2: Not often. But they bring some at least once a day.

Julia: Ok, here is what we will do.

Julia whispered the plan to everyone, and after everyone was on board, Prisoner #4 yelled out for food.

#4: Hello?! Hello?!! Please, if someone is out there we need food!

Guard: How long has it been since the last serving?

#5: A whole damn 23 hours!

Guard: Fuck. Alright, food will be in shortly.

Julia found a grappling hook attached to a chain, hung on a hook outside the cell. Luckily it was just close enough to grab. It was just thin enough to fit through the cell bars. After about 3 minutes, a guard came in with scraps from the last dinner with Lenin. Julia had the hook and chain hidden behind her back.

Guard #2: Order up. Enjoy your garbage. (kicks food into the cell)

When the guard turned around, Julia threw the chain through the bars at the guard. It wrapped around his neck and Julia pulled him close to the cell and put her arm around his neck, with the sharp end of the grappling hook barely touching the upper part of his neck. Julia quickly took his SMG, which turned out to be her's, and hid it behind her leg. The other guard ran in, but he didn't know what to do when he saw the guard unable to move.

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