Larray vines...but sander sides

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Roman: Mr. Patton, they put me in Spanish again, and I already took this and know everything in it

Patton:...let me hear you speak Spanish

Roman: I was thinking, I was thinking, oh, how you gonna talk shit if you look like a minion

Virgil: *reads comment* just guys being gay...just you being blocked

Roman: *blows kiss to virgil* babe I love you

Virgil: *catches it* I love you more

Sillyeli: *mumbles* ew this shit is nasty

Roman: no baby I love you more

Virgil: Babe no-

Sillyeli: y'all make me wanna shit on myself

Logan: *points to couch* this couch is blue. *points to shoe* this shoe is red....say one of those again and I'm gonna have to kick you in the head...bitch

Virgil: my house, my rules

Roman: my knife, your life

Virgil: oh shi-

Roman: Hey i should go outside...jk bitch. I'm way to cute for that shit

Roman: so what happened?

Patton: he kicked me In the face

Roman: and why did you kick him in the face?

Virgil: the bitch said what are those, and I gave him a closer look

Patton: Virgil get out! The house is on fire!

Virgil: well tell the fire to hold up because I'm doing important shit

Roman: if you don't like me in my worst, then you don't like me in my best

Logan: ...i don't like you at all

Virgil: ok, so explain to me what happened?

Patton: he punched me in my face

Roman: bitch, no I didn't. I tried to whip and he got in my way

Roman: I almost got hit by a car, but the bright side is-

Virgil: there is no bright side until you enter the tunnel

Roman: ...look hot topic is right over there

Virgil: if you could marry anyone, who would you marry?

Patton: bitch this is easy Harry

Virgil: no one from one direction

Patton: shit um..oh! Zayn da fuk?

Virgil: Logan pick me up, I'm dropping out've been at school for 7 mins

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