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Sillyeli: guys!

Virgil: what?


Virgil: coralline

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Virgil: coralline. It's kinda sad. Some girl is not happy with her life so she meets a Demon who traps her in this Crazy world, and puts her in challenges so she can escape. And the first time she does escape, her parents aren't there and she cries to sleep!

Roman: CINDERELLA!!!(that's my favorite Disney movie, so it's now his favorite movie) a girls father marries a bitch, and then the father dies (it's been a long time since I saw this movie, so sorry if I get things wrong) so the new mother is in charge, she makes her make Cinderella do all the work, while the bratty sisters do nothing. One day, there's a ball, and Cinderella wants to go, but her mom says no, and tears up her dress. Then she meets her fairy god mother, and she makes a beautiful dress with glass slippers. And she goes to the ball, and the prince sees her, blah, blah, blah, you know the ending.

Patton: The Lorax! It starts with a kid who lives in a world where there's no trees, but the girl he likes, likes trees. So he wants to impress her. So he goes across the wall, and finds this person who tells him stories about his past, and how he loved trees, and how he murdered all the trees! So, at the end, the person gives him a seed for the last tree, and he tells him to plant it...and he does. But this guy who owns the...plastic world doesn't want trees, because trees give air, and he sells yeah. But they don't listen to him and plant the tree anyway!

Logan: paranormal activity

Patton: ...really?

Logan: yes

Sillyeli: my favorite movie is...THE BOY! it's about two parents who's kid dies, and they're devastated so they buy a doll to act as there kid. They hire a baby sitter for there "kid". Blah, blah, blah, at the end they find out that the kid never died, but it's been 20 years, so he's like 28 years old. And when the doll breaks (because it's made of glass) he breaks out of the door with the...weirdest mask ever

And starts chasing people with a knife (?)

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And starts chasing people with a knife (?). And the thing is...he still acts like a kid in a it's weird. And when the babysitter is about to die, he acts like his babysitter and say, "Go to bed! Right now" and he follows
No this is where it gets weird...the babysitter always gave the doll a kiss asks for a kiss good night...and...she does it, on the four head...but...the man pushes her to his lips and forces a kiss (I's been a long time okay?!?!) but the girl stabs him with a screwdriver....that's all I remember

Everyone: BYYEEE!!!

(Sry I've been so lazy!! I am doing some more dares to day...I hope....BYE!)

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