A normal day at the sanders' house

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(I got this idea from Brandon Rogers, so don't think I'm original [somethings are meh idea tho])

THOMAS: (starting a video) Hey whats up everybody, toda-

VIRGIL: (appears) hola

THOMAS: (jumps) AHHH-


THOMAS: (being interviewed) first of all-uh mother fucker. Kids love me. And you might recognize me from the best fucking YouTube channel in the world; that's me.

(Cuts to Logan on the floor screaming for is crutches)

THOMAS: ( sighs)I live with (counts on fingers) 7 other cocksucker "roommates." Some people might think it's an act, that I'm moving to different places of the house and playing as my characters, but the only time I'm moving to a different place is when they try to make a joke.


VIRGIL: (being interviewed) My name is Virgil Sanders, and I'm addicted to this eyeshadow (pulls out eyeshadow)

(Cuts to him in a room full of eyeshadow)

VIRGIL: (putting eyeshadow on) I don't need help

DECEIT: (trying to walk up the stairs) WHO THE FUCK SAID STAIRS WERE FUN ON ACID!?

REMUS: (being interviewed) I'm a simple hoe, I like what I fuck and I fuck what I like


THOMAS: (being interviewed) yes I lost my mind, as you can see, but I hardly notice, except when I talk to friends and cry, or the other 4 hours of the day.

(Virgil in the mirror)

VIRGIL: one day you will be happy

ROMAN: (at the table) throw that fork at Remus


ROMAN: that what the fuck are we doing here

VIRGIL: eating breakfast.

THOMAS: (doing the dishes) Are any of you shit-heads gonna help me with the Fucking dishes!

VIRGIL: I'm too busy throwing these forks at Remus (throwing forks at Remus)

THOMAS: bitch if it weren't for me, we wouldn't be able to afford them damn forks

VIRGIL: and I would be A homeless person getting fucked in a cardboard house! (Still throwing forks at Remus)


THOMAS: (being interviewed) sometimes I really wanna put that emo bitch in a wheelchair.


VIRGIL: (being interviewed) people can't talk much when they have a mouth full of candy, that's how I avoid conversation.


ROMAN: one time I wa-

VIRGIL: (pulls out candy) want some candy?


LOGAN: don't tell anyone bu-

VIRGIL: (Puts out candy) have some candy!


REMUS: what do you wanna d-

VIRGIL: (pulls out a rock) eat this candy!

REMUS:...I don't think that's can-

VIRGIL: (throws it at him)


INTERVIEWER: what do you think about Pewdiepie?

THOMAS: ¿pumpkin pie?


THOMAS: pew..?


THOMAS: sorry all I'm hearing is the word "Overrated"


LOGAN: over here is where we keep all of the other Sander sides (points at a locked secured door) I had a lot to drink, forgot to feed 'em, haven't opened the door since. (Knocks on door) (hears nothing) well that's a relief

DECEIT: I don't mean to brag, but I've successfully completed rehab 10 times.

REMUS: (kicks Logan's broken foot) (runs away)



THOMAS: (being interviewed) I've always dreamed of being a actor when I was little. Now I've accomplished that dream but no one told me that it came with a BUNCH OF ASSHOLES-


(Hola. Uh, meh friend Yya357882 is reading this book, so if  she's commenting weird over protective things, it's because she's meh friend [she's like the Patton and I'm the Virgil])

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