Differnt patton

585 19 2

(Before this starts I need to say, I HAVE SO MANY DARES TO DO RIGHT NOW!!!  Holy cow! I might do some tomorrow, so sorry if I don't do it today. Also, my cousins are here so, this might be the last one I do today, unless someone comes up with a really funny dare/truth)

Patton: *wakes up and goes to closet*....*sees that his Cardigans are gone*...?....what?

Logan: *barges in* get ready! We're gonna watch a movie!

Patton: k, be there in a sec

Logan: k, bye *leaves*

Patton: *goes back to what he's doing* were are they?

Logan: *yells from downstairs* HURRY UP!

Patton: OK, IM COMING!!! gosh, can you be patient?!?!?! *puts on jacket, walks downstairs*

Virgil: wow..you look different!

Patton: is it bad?

Virgil: no, just different

Patton: *rolls eyes* I'm gonna make a sandwich

Roman: can I have one?

Patton: you make one! I'm not your maid!

Roman: ok...jeez

Patton: *walks to couch, and sits on it*

Logan: *sits right next to Patton, resting his head on his shoulder*

Patton: *annoyed* can you..scoot a little?

Logan: ...what?

Patton: do you know what personal space is?

Logan: ...yes-

Patton: well then, give me some!

Logan: *shocked and sad* oh...ok *moves away*

Virgil: *whispers to Roman* what Patton's deal?

Roman: *shrugs* I don't know?

Patton: when's the movie starting?

Virgil: in about...5 minutes, we still have to wait for Eli

Patton: *annoyed* ELI!!! WE HAVE A MOIVE!! GET DOWN HERE!!

Sillyeli: *really tired* hello

Patton: wow...you look like shit

Sillyeli: *sarcastically* thanks, I didn't get to brush my hair!

Virgil: *flashbacks to Headphones or Patton?* *one tear falls down*

Roman: *sees Virgil* wow, what's wrong?

Virgil: *wipes tear* oh, nothing

Patton: *annoyed* can we start the movie now?!?!?!

Virgil: uh, yeah *puts on movie*

The Meg (that's the movie, I saw that movie a few days ago actually)

The Meg (that's the movie, I saw that movie a few days ago actually)

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Patton: *scoffs* this movie? It sucks

Virgil: *annoyed* if you don't like it, then go upstairs!

Patton: I will! *walks upstairs*

Virgil: why is Patton acting like an asshole?

Logan: *shrugs*

Patton: what did you say about me?!?!?

Virgil: I said you're acting like an asshole!

Patton: whatever, Bitch!

Virgil: *mad* What Did You Just Say?!?!?!

Patton: I said...you....are....a....bitch! Can you not hear?!?!

Virgil: just goes upstairs! I'm to tired to fight with you

Patton: you would cry anyways

Virgil: WHAT!?!?!

Sillyeli: wow,wow,wow,wow...just stop! We're not trying to re-create Headphones or Patton!!! Ok?!?!

Patton: what you should of said was, "we're not trying to make Virgil cry again!"

Virgil: fuck You

Patton: wow, so original. You deserve a praise for that!


Logan: yeah! Stop!

Patton: shut up Logan!

Logan: *shocked* meany

Virgil: I thought you were just being mean in Headphones or Patton because of the dare, but turns out your just a bitch

Patton: That means I can make a cry baby with out a stupid dare!

Virgil: roses are red, violets are blue, I've got 5 fingers, the middle one's for you *flips him off*

Patton: I could eat a hole bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter comeback then that

Virgil: if you're gonna be two faced, at least make one of the pretty

Patton: maybe if you ate some of that makeup, you would be pretty on the inside

Virgil: aww, it's so cute when you try to talk about things you don't understand

Patton: I'd slap you, but then that would be animal abuse

Virgil: you're the reason god created middle finger

Sillyeli: BREAK IT UPPPPP!!!


Virgil: I wanna hear this bitches comeback

Patton: I would love to insult you, but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did

Sillyeli: *mumbles* damn

Virgil: sorry hun, but unlike you. I'm not a doorhnob where everyone gets a turn. I'm more like a casino we're only the lucky ones hit the jackpot

Patton: first of all, I am not a slut, and secondly, I'm the opposite of slut, because I'll never give a fuck!

Virgil: you're talking like an idiot

Patton: of course I talk like an idiot, how else would you understand me!?!?


This was by

I didn't see the "make Virgil take it" so just

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I didn't see the "make Virgil take it" so just...ignore that

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