The Beginning

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First day of my freshman year, walking the halls with my homeboys just chillen you know. Minding my own, not giving anyone a hard time.
"Ew it's the gangster wannabes." I hear a girl say, I look over and see it's the queen bee.... Maranda. I walk over to her, backing her up against her locker.
"I'm no wanna be, hermosa."
She looks up at me with her hazel eyes,
"Get out of my face." She whispers to me, one of my boys pull my shoulder.
"Her stupid Football chasing boyfriend is coming, lets go."
"Yeah go run along and sell your dope." I scoffed at her reply and bite my lip.
"See you later."
"In your dream's"
I start to walk away,
"In my dream's your always on top."
I yell out, I turn as she flicks me off, I chuckle to myslef.
"She totally wants you Danny." I roll my eyes,
"We disgust her, her own kind. It's sad really."
"I dont know bro, she was all hot and bothered."
I shrug as I enter my class and sit for the morning announcements.
"Good morning students we have a few things to address. First, dress code will be in full force, PDA will not be tolerated"
"Unless your popular or white." I chime in, people laugh.

"Try out's for football will be held on friday right after school. If you think you have what it takes to be a Dragon come and put it to the test. Next all club and groups will have a meeting in the cafeteria. That is all now will you stand up for the pledge."
We all stand up and do our pledge, The first few classes were fine. My last classes were annoying, the teacher's didn't like me for whatever reason. I think it was because of the people I hang around, my family is known for being in gangs but I'm not in one.
I get judged but the way I dress and who I hang with, its not really cool but I guess that's how it's always gonna be. It's after school and I'm walking on the football field, the fresh cut grass fills my body.
"Hey Daniel! You thinking about trying out for the team?!" I look back and see Marandas boyfriend and his little group heading my way.
"Yeah actually."
"Hmmmm okay. Well I'll enjoy seeing you on the field on friday, let's see if you can take us down. You'll more than likely be last string."
I chuckle as I see Maranda coming down the bleachers.
"I plan on being on varsity."
"Keep dreaming."
"I intend too. Hey Maranda remember about what I said about my dream?"
"Dont say anything Danny or you'll get your ass pummeled" she says,
"Its Daniel to you." I say smug, as she takes her boyfriends hand,
"What did this thug have a dream about?"
"Well I told Maranda that when I dream, I dream about-"
"He dreams about doing gang things."
She says interrupting me, I chuckle and shake my head,
"Yeah exactly that..... well I'm going to be on my way now." I start to walk away,
"Stay away from my girl!"
"Tell your girl to stay away from me." I say going up the hill and to the parking lot,  I get in my firebird and speed off. Fuck I'm hungry! I think I'm going to stop at the dinner.
"Danny! How was your first day?!" I smile as my favorite waitress comes walking to me with long legs and a pixie hair cut. She's so fucking cute! I've had a crush on her since I was a in the 8th grade she was a junior.
"Its was pretty good... I'm thinking about trying out for the football team."
"Ohhh.... I'd love to see you out on the field."
"And I'd love to see you in the stands cheering me on." I wink at her as she blushes.
"What do you wanna eat?"
"Hmmmm." I look at her up and down, she giggles shaking her head.
"Well I guess I'll just have a burger, fries and a coke." She nods biting her lip as she walks away, oh how I wish I wasn't jail bait. She would so jump my bones if I weren't, I hear the bell ring above the door signaling someone is walking in or out.
"What up cuz?!" I roll my eyes as one of my friends come in, hes the most annoying out of the group always being a pervert.
"Dude, leave now."
"Why is your girlfriend working?"
I rub my face wanting to punch him.
"She's not my girl okay. Just leave dude." He nods at me with a ugly face, Chloë brings me my soda, her hand on her hip as she places it on the table. She pops a bubble and licks her lips, her long eye lashes wink at me. Ugh she's so sexy!
"What time do you get off?"
She looks at me up and down.
"On your bed time." She giggles walking away, she comes back bringing me my food. She walks away talking other orders, I take a bite of my burger. My eyes get locked on Maranda as she stands before me looking at me as i chew my food. Her fingers comes to my face, her index finger swipes over my bottom lip. Ketchup coating it, she places her finger in her mouth and sucks it clean as she looks at me dead in my eyes.
The way she looked at me as she sucked her finger clean made me want to do bad things.
This girl is trouble......
"Mmm, see you later." She walks away and my mouth hangs open as her short cheerleader skirt bounces up and down as her juicy ass kicks it up and down. Fuck.....
Wait!!!! No! No no no! I can't be crushing on her! There is no way in hell she would even try anything with me!
Well she did just suck her finger dry as she looked you dead in the eye... if that's not wanting you then I dont know what is.
Shut up stupid brain! I take a big gulp of my soda and close my eyes, when the hell did she even walk in?! I shouldn't think to much about this, she was just fucking with me anyways right?

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