the sweetest thing; danny pov sunday fun day

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I wake up alone, Maranda must have left while I was sleeping, I get showered up and dressed for church.

Today's gospel was about lust huh perfect right?
I sigh looking up
God please tell me what to do
" Peter 2:11,
Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul."
The priest states and I close my eyes soaking it up the best I can.
Church ends and I feel a weight on my shoulders, I don't know what to do and I do not want to steer away from my god, lust and passion take over my body and my soul. I have sinned already. I've taken Maranda twice and captured Tiffany in my eyes, I start my car trying to shake all of this off. I head to the diner and see Tiffany waiting outside for me
Magically I become happy and I feel light, a smile on my face I breathe a sigh of relief as I pull her into my arms hugging her tightly.
"My angel." She giggles,
"Yours huh?" She asks smiling up at me, I nod and kiss her gently.
We go inside and I immediately regret coming here, Chloë looks at her ugly as we sit down.
"Hi can I take your order hun?" Chloë asks me her back turned too Tiffany, I sigh and smile.
"You can take my dates order first Chloë."
"Date I thought this was a family member. How old are you 10?"
She asks turning to Tiffany, Tiffany smiles and giggles.
"I'd rather look 10 than 30." Tiffany gets up and takes my hand,
"Let's go eat somewhere else babe." She bumps shoulder with Cholë then pulls my face to hers and kisses me passionately.
Ohhh my little innocent angel has some fire in her after all, I chuckle as she shakes off the bad vibes.
"Why does everyone that knows you hate me?"
She walks away till I pull her back into me,
"Hey, I dont hate you, my real friends haven't even met you yet and my brother is going to love you."
"I dont know Danny, it seems like everyone is just being so negative too me and I didn't even do anything wrong."
I pick her up setting her on my hood holding her face in my hands as she pouts.
"Hey..... smile for me, my angel. That smile is the best thing in the world to be right now." She tries to fight back a smile but, cant.
"Ahhh there it is, that beautiful smile.... keep it there." She rolls here eyes and looks down, I lift her chin.
"Let's go eat somewhere else." She nods.
"Did you drive here?"
"No I took the bus." I look at her crazy,
"Oh no, no. No more taking the bus. You need me to take you somewhere I'll come get you. Okay."
She nods blushing, my angel is not riding the bus anymore. I'll be late to class football I dont care, I pick her up and open the door for her as I see Maranda driving up.
I go around to get in my car and start it up, Maranda knocks at my window. I look at her ugly and roll down the window.
"Oh hi Tiffany.... didn't see you there."
"Yes you did Maranda, what can we do for you?"
Maranda smiles at her faking being nice.
"Well I wanted to invite Danny to a party at my house."
Maranda looks at me hinting it's just gonna be her and i.
"He can't go, we have plans Maranda.... sorry and can we go babe... I'm really hungry."
"Yall barely met and your calling him babe?"
Maranda asks scoffing.
"What is it too you Maranda, dont you have a boyfriend?" I say before rolling up my window, she walks away as I drive off shaking her head.
I can feel Tiffany burning a hole in my face with her eyes.
"Danny..... She likes you." I scoffed
"No she doesn't, she just doesn't like to see other people happy."
"No she looks at you like she's had you Danny. I know that look."
I grip my steering wheel and look at the road, my jaw clenched.
"She had had you right.... when was the last time Danny?"
We pull up to a pizza place and I sigh,
"Look Tiffany I don't want to talk about this okay... I just want to enjoy my time with you okay?"
She runs her fingers through her hair and looks sad,
"Princess.... cheer up please?" She looks at me and nods smirking.
I kiss her forehead gently, we go inside and order some pizza and start to eat.
"Hey brotha!!! What's up!"
AJ comes around and shakes my hand,
"Oh hey! Its Tiffany right?!" He says excited, she nods smiling.
"I'm AJ I was the one defending you and Danny last night. Dont worry about that bitch, she's got nothing on you okay darling." She giggles and nods.
"This is one of my few friends and he likes you okay princess."
AJ sits next to me,
"Who doesn't like her?"
"Chloë, Maranda and that's all so far. Just bitches." She rolls her eyes.
"Speaking of that bitch Maranda I have something to ask you later sir and I better not get any lies form you."
I nod, he get up and leaves,
"What was that about?"
"I dont know honestly, do you want to meet the rest of my friends?"
"Sure." I smile happy to bring her around them,
"Some of them are gang members but, they aren't scary well at least to me they arent." She shakes her head.
"Have you seen my uncle? I'm not scared of men."
We finish eating then I take her to my side of town and have her meet all of my friends/cousins.
We decide to have a late bbq at my house, I hear my brothers impala pull up and go outside.
"And who is this lovely girl?" My brother takes her hand shaking it,
"Hey calm down casanova." I pull her hand away chuckling.
"This is Tiffany, Tiffany, Odin."
"Nice to meet you." We walk in and enjoy the food and beer, talk play card games.
I don't think I could ever see Maranda to doing this with us... to have fun with my family, shes so uptight and for some reason I like that. I shake her away from my thoughts as Tiffany kisses my cheek.
"Can you take me home Danny?" I nod,
"Of course angel."
I drive her home and walk her to her front door, she looks up at me.
"You'd think I wouldn't be so nervous to kiss you anymore but, every time I do its new."
"I feel the same honestly I love this feeling." She wraps her arms around my neck, I lean in and kiss her softly.
"Thank you for today Danny." I bite my lip looking at her gorgeous self and nod.
"I'll see you later princess." I kiss her hand and walk away,  I hear her door close as I get in my car.
Shes just the sweetest thing.

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