Outcast Party AJ pov

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Danny starts to invite tons of losers, he even takes my Hummer to pick some people who don't have a ride or car or were going to take the bus.

I feel uncomfortable with all of these nerds, freaks and geeks in my house, I walk amongst them slowly trying to get to the drinks.
"Danny I hate you."
He looks at me and chuckles,
"Don't be so dramatic."
"Danny I'm like in hell, all I hear are weird laughs and people scared to have a good time, they are just sitting there talking about Harry Potter and Game Of Thrones!"
"Make them feel welcome dumbass."
Tiffany says giggling, I roll my eyes as she hands me a drink.
I get up on a table and turn the music down,
"Attention outcasts, tonight is the night yall get fucked up! Party dance, just have fun! There is weed, drinks, just please cheer the hell up! No one is here to judge you. When the music starts playing yall better come to this bar and start making drinks or I'm kicking yall all out!" Everyone smiles at me, I turn the music up and a flood of outcasts come to the bar and start making drinks, some grab weed backs and start toking up.

Yeah get it nerds! I see some girls dancing and some even twerking! Girls even cute nerds with glasses dancing having fun! I walk through the crowd losing Danny, Tiffany turns me around and smiles.
"Your a hero AJ. Some of these people were probably going through hell and you lightened the weight. Thank you." My body stiffens as she hugs me tightly for a good while, I hug her back feeling warm and close my eyes.
  Fuck I think I like this girl, I like my friends girlfriend... I open my eyes and see Danny looking at us from a distance, I let go of her and cheers my drink with hers and walk away quickly. I'm an asshole.....

People start to have a really good time I see girls making out with guys, people flirting. I suddenly feel good about this, a guy taps me on my shoulder.
"Thank you for doing this AJ... I always saw you as an asshole and I know this party doesn't mean you'll like say hi in the hallways or anything but, I see you in a different light... Thank you." My heart feels warm as hell, what is this feeling?! I like it! I feel happy and like I don't know..... Is this how it feels to help others? I mean I really didn't it was all Danny's idea but, it is my place....

I can't take credit for this... but it does feel good.... I see someone come in with a huge cake. They set it on the counter and call me over.
"What's up?"
"I made this for a girl I like.... I was wondering if I could make an announcement."
"Get on the table."
"Really?" I chuckle and nod helping the guy up, I turn down the music.
"Hi... I ummm. This is going to sound weird but, i made this for a girl i really like.... She's here tonight. K-karen?" He wait for her to come up to the cake, she smiles at him, he hands her a knife.
"In the cake is two colors, red and green, the back is green the other red.... green means yes that you will be my girlfriend and red means no."
The girl hands me the knife and asks me to help her on the table so I do, she grabs his face and kisses him deeply causing the whole party to cheer.
"Hows that for an answer?" I blast the music and everyone starts to throw cake everywhere even me. Fuck it Danny is cleaning it! That was the sweetest thing over ever seen in my life super lame and I loved it.

Danny walks up to me and bumps my shoulder,
"Who knew geeks are romantic." He says and we both laugh,
"I think I should take some pointers from that guy." I say laughing, he looks at me seriously.
"What?" I ask nervous that he can see right through me, that he knows I'm crushing on his girl.
"I'm just happy I have a friend like you..... Thank you for being a great person."
I'm a horrible person I like your girl, I feel warm when shes around and she makes me feel like a better person.... I'm a horrible friend.
"I try. " I say and walk away to get another drink, in the crowd I spot Maranda, she's walking around like she's surrounded by infected people, I shake my head.
  I go up to her quickly,
"What are you doing here?"
"I think you ment why are these people here?" I grab her arm and take her to the pool area.
"Danny is here with Tiffany, he is happy leave him alone."
"AJ I don't know what your talking about, I heard there was a party so I came to enjoy and i find a sea of freaks!" She says loudly, everyone looks at us,
"If you dont like these people then you should leave okay, they are my guest and I want them here okay!"
She rolls her eyes and looks at the people looking at her,
"Dont mind the bitch she hasn't had her dicking today so shes a little cranky." I feel her hand slap the hell out of me, I chuckle as she walks off till I grab her hand.
"Leave my house now."
"Gladly." I smile scratching my lip looking up and around me, all the girls are checking me out. Some of them are actually really cute, do I like innocent girls?

All this time I've been with those hot superficial girls, maybe that's why I'm never fully satisfied.

I shake away my brain and drink more, I enjoy the night surprisingly, I even danced with Danny and Tiffany. It was a night full of happy moments, I  dont think I ever had that much fun at my other parties. I even played video games with some of the gamer nerds, they were actually really funny, they crack jokes on eachother like crazy.

I never thought I'd like hanging with them, some people even confided in me, told me about stuff they were going through and I told them I'd be here for them. I don't care what people think of me, I'm popular, rich, a football player, and if I want to be friends with these people so be it.

I feel like I actually did good for once

Its morning and I have some people here that ended up drinking to drink to go home. I start cooking up a storm, for everyone, Danny stayed and so did Tiff. I see Tiff come down the stairs in a loose muscle shirt and short shorts, oh god help me! She tucks hair behind her ear and smiles at me as she gets to the bottom of the stairs and walks to me.
"Whatcha cooking?"
"Pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast."
"Need help?" I nod and she gets to cooking, she keeps bumping into me, our chest meet. We linger there for a second or two, she smiles nervously and moves around me. Fuck my life!
I really like her, kill me now!

"Did you have fun lastnight?" I ask as we crack eggs together, she nods,
"I had alot of fun, way better than your last party honestly."
"Hey you did meet two awesome people at that party."
"You and Danny yes I did....."
"I was talking about Maranda."
She smacks my arm playfully shaking her head,
"I hate that bitch..... I cant compete with her, shes perfect.... I'm totally not..."
"She doesn't even come close to you, I promise you that. You have the looks, brains and personality."

She looks up at me biting her lip nervously,
"You really think so?"
I nod and bump her causing her to giggle,
"Thank you AJ."
"Just being honest pretty girl."
Did I really just say that?! It was like word vomit, it just came out! God I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"I-im sorry I shouldn't have sai-"
"Its okay...." she washes her hands smiling as she runs away upstairs.
I made her nervous and blush.... I hate myself right now, I'm a bad friend.

"It smells sooo good in here!" Danny says waking everyone up, I chuckle shaking my head. People start to walk for the door
"Hey, hey! Where are yall going? I made a feast for everyone! Get y'alls asses over here and eat!" I say pointing at the food, they all smile and start to get food on plates.
"If anyone needs a ride home let me know, no one is taking the bus." I yell out,
"I'm going to go shower real quick enjoy the food, there is a shit ton of juices in the fridge!"
I run up and take a shower get dressed eat and take people home, they were all so grateful. Danny and Tiffany left and now I'm home alone, my phone starts to go off like crazy.
What the....
I check it quickly and see me tagged in so many photos, some popular people are making jokes and laughing, alot are talking shit. Some are making fun of the people that were there and tagging them in the comments.

I rub my eyes, that's not cool. I post on my wall
"If anyone has a problem with me or my new friends yall can meet me in the school parking lot and I'll be sure to use these hands. Yall are just mad because they have more personality than any of yall would or could ever have. Get the hell over yourselves!"

Alot of people hearted my post and shared it, but no one had shit to say no one wanted to fight me why? Because all they do is talk out of their asses.

Itll be on tomorrow for sure though, I'll fuck some people up for sure.

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